Chapter Three: Grey skies.

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Y/N walked back to where her car was parked after exiting the bakery.

Getting inside she started up its engine and made her way home. The sun peeked out from the grey clouds before hiding behind them once more.

Y/N shifted in her seat sipping her hot beverage as she halted at a stoplight. Her shoulder blades were killing her, a sore and tense feeling in her muscles.

Y/N let out a sigh as she put her foot on the gas once more.

'' How about we go for a little stretch.'' She said to no one in particular, turning onto the highway heading out of the city.

'' I haven't done that in a while now have I.''

After about a thirty-minute drive she turned off the main highway and along some old roads that lead to farms around the area.

When Y/N was little her mother would come out there with her to one of the farms and 'stretch' as she called it.

The people who owned the farm where family friends and were trusted with their so-called secret. Over the years they have never even peeped about it, making it a safe place for Y/N to go and relax.

Y/N drove up the dirt road to an old-fashioned but cute house. Stepping out of the car she made her way to the door knocking on it.

When there was no reply she picked up one of the flower pots and took the spear key out from under it, unlocking the door and heading inside.

Stepping through the door, and walking into the kitchen Y/N picked up a neatly folded note on the table. Opening it she read.

'My dear Y/N, I had a feeling I should leave a note just in case you stopped by. I am down helping my neighbor take care of a few fallen trees. Taehyung will be with me so don't worry. Feel free to head down to the field and get some exercise. Soobin.

P.S. There are some snacks in the fridge. '

Y/N smiled placing the note back down on the table walking over to the fridge and opening it. There was a small pack of strawberry yogurt with a sticking note and smiling face on it.

Closing the fridge Y/N shed her coat placing it on one of the kitchen chairs also leaving her scarf as she walked out the back door.

Her hands brushed along the long wheat-colored grass as she headed down into the field. She smiled, grateful to have people she could trust. But her smile was short-lived as she thought of her good friend Taehyung. He had no idea what she was. Seeing as he moved to the farm a few years after the others were told.

A chilly wind picked up causing her to shiver just a little seeing as she was only wearing a knee-high dress with lowcut back along with black winter tights.

Heading down further into the field out of eyeshot of anyone who might be around Y/N rolled her shoulders, the two slits in her shoulder blades turning a little red.

Y/N closed her eyes relaxing her body as she felt her wings break free, the acing feeling before leaving her as her wings stretched out pointing towards the sky, and then falling gracefully behind her. Over the years her wings had grown bigger, a dark blue color appearing at the tips of her wings feathers.

She let out a content sigh looking up at the grey clouds above. Excitement rushed throughout her body at the thought of dipping in and out between the clouds.

'' It wouldn't hurt to fly for a little right?'' She said to herself, her wings spreading out on instinct as she crouched a little. With one strong beat of her wings, she lifted herself off the ground climbing up into the sky.

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