Chapter Eighteen: A Willing Risk

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The inside of Elowen's gloves had become sweaty by the time they made it to Harlem. Everyone quickly shutting down her idea on how to get Cadmus's blood for serum didn't give her much relief when they were all out of ideas and options for completing the serum. She'd thought it was a good idea. Reckless, but good.

She and Kasper found Julian loitering outside a curb store where he scowled in the direction of a butcher's. He directed the scowl at the two of them when he noticed their presence.

"I can't believe you would suggest something so idiotic," he said to Elowen.

She gaped, a little offended. Julian wasn't often so blunt and definitely not toward her. "I was trying to help. We're running a little low on ideas and time at the moment."

"I got the bonding powder," Kasper cut in. He held up the bottle. Julian took it and looked closely at it before pocketing it. His scowl softened a little.

"Where are Henry and Mitri?" Elowen asked.

Julian pointed to the butcher's shop he'd been watching. Through the window, Mitri was talking to the man behind the counter who appeared to be enthusiastically explaining something. Mitri looked just as interested as he nodded along and peered closely at whatever was pointed at.

"Henry followed some girl who came in about half an hour ago and took a package. Haven't heard anything."

"It could've been a drug trade-off," Kasper said offhandedly. He didn't catch the disturbed looks of Elowen and Julian.

"Do vampires do drugs?" asked Elowen.

Kasper looked over with a sour face; a face that said he'd learned the truth by sheer disappointment. "They lose their effects once they hit the Elixir, so no." He went back to watching Mitri, leaving Elowen with more questions she wasn't about to ask.

She glanced back to the shop before her attention landed on the figure that walked toward them. Henry hurried across the street, eyes dark but not like they were on New Year's. It was something else. He looked disturbed.

"Cadmus is organizing something," he said before anyone spoke to him. "The girl went to an apartment to exchange the package for money to a man who spoke to Cadmus on the phone. I don't know what was said since they spoke in Greek but they had a bunch of vials and bottles and loaded them into a van."

Julian balked and Elowen noticed Mitri's head swivel around to the door, his eyes narrowed. A moment later he dismissed his conversation with the butcher and dashed out to them.

"Do you remember any particular words said?" he asked Henry with alarm. He spoke with an urgency Elowen had never heard in his voice before. "What did the bottles have in them?"

Henry shook his head. "I'm not sure. There were dark liquids and powders and some looked disgusting, like some slime or guts. I don't remember anything said, just that he addressed Cadmus by name."

"Where was the apartment?"

"About three blocks." Henry pointed in the direction he'd just come from. "They're all gone now though. I'm not sure where they were going but they were in a hurry after Cadmus called. I got a license plate number if that does any good."

"What about the butcher?" Julian asked, nodding toward the shop. "You were in there a long time."

"It was weird," Mitri said, eyes on the window. "He didn't seem to recognize me at all and genuinely thought I wanted to buy some meat. I tried dropping vague hints that I knew something but they went right over his head."

"Drugs," Kasper said and shook his head. "I told you. His brains probably fried."

Elowen shot him a look. "Are you sure this is where Cadmus is sending his . . ."

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