Chapter Fourteen: Tears At The Cathedral

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Elowen followed Cadmus into St. Mary's, fists clenched at her sides and heart hammering in her chest so hard it hurt. He didn't falter or glance back to see if she was indeed following but stalked confidently down the aisle. He moved through the church as if he belonged there when he so starkly didn't. It was almost ironic to watch.

The church was empty, closed because of the festivities going on outside, but all of the lights were on and candles were lit. Elowen had been inside the church a few times in the past and still wanted to pause to view the ceiling, the blue and gold watching from high above. She didn't though and continued to follow Cadmus up the steps to the altar. It'd been a long time since she had attended a church service and she imagined people knelt before the altar to pray, herself among them, praying for some way out. She glanced around the church, at the empty pews, as if a congregation might appear, made up of creatures with needle teeth and black holes for eyes. Ready to watch some mock sermon.

"Where are my friends?" she asked again, turning back to Cadmus.

He chuckled over his shoulder and stepped aside, presenting the altar in full view. She hadn't been able to see it all before with the dim light of the candles but closer now she could see what lay on top of it.

The mere thought of vomiting on an altar of God was barely enough to keep Five Guys from rushing back up to the surface. It took a moment for the face on the severed head to register and Elowen backed away with a hand clasped over her mouth. She missed the first step down and stumbled, hitting her knees hard. She shut her eyes in pain and disgust but Azi's green eyes still stared blankly up at her from the altar, lain amidst candles and flowers stuck behind her eyelids. When nausea receded, she opened her eyes to Cadmus who stood over his prize, proud. He looked like some archaic worshipper here to present his sacrificial animal to the Lord Almighty. Maybe, in some sick way, he was.

"Why?" she asked, her voice a crackle. Where was Daluchi? Had he killed her too, or the others? She looked but no one else was in the church. Kasper couldn't have made it to the church before her. She hoped that meant he was still out there somewhere.

"He got in my way," Cadmus said, nudging the head with his pointer finger like it was little more than a pillow of feathers. He sounded like a petulant child. "But he also serves as a messenger and all that symbolism. You know how it goes."

"A message for what?"

He sobered, dropping his faint amusement at death. "Anyone who helps Mitri will meet the same fate. This is no one else's fight and if he is to fight me at all then he shall do it alone. Without Custos, without that voodoo bitch, without his little pet Henry, without anyone."

"And what about you and the people you've been turning? Are you the only one that gets an army to back him?" Elowen asked around her burning throat. The knot there only growing tighter and bigger within it. She felt it would begin to choke her soon and she wouldn't be able to speak at all.

Cadmus sneered. "I don't need an army, sweetheart. Your friends are so easily distracted I just can't help myself."

"Is that all?" The smell of Azi's blood was starting to reach her and she wanted to get out of there fast. She avoided looking in the direction of his head, and instead lifted her eyes to the flowers on the altar. They were fake and blood was splattered on the plastic waxy petals.


A shadow moved through the church, snuffing the candles out. Cadmus tried to follow it with his eyes until he was lifted into the air and vaulted across the rows of pews. He didn't land though, only blinked out and landed near the doors.

Elowen screamed when a heavy hand landed on her shoulder. She swiveled around and met Mitri's very teal eyes. He doubled over, holding his side, and blood dripped down the side of his face; he'd been in a fight already. Had it been with Cadmus or someone else?

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