Chapter Eight: Stains of Red

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Elowen didn't dare move a muscle when she heard an inhuman growl resonate through the alley. The girl was just around the corner from them, close enough that the smell of blood and something foul was filling the air, reaching Elowen's nose. She stilled out of pure fear.

Henry's hand over her mouth slowly loosened and moved to grab her arm. The movement was soundless yet the girl seemed to quiet down as if she had heard it. All was silent, even the city seemed to go still. Then she came barreling around the corner.

Henry shoved Elowen to the side and she hit the ground on her hands and knees. She scrambled up, wincing in pain. Behind her, Henry slammed the girl into the wall. She sprang back up from where she'd fallen and ran at him with a snarl. She sounded like a deranged animal.

He picked the bloodied girl up by her neck and slammed her against the wall several times, her head glancing off the bricks. She didn't look fazed by it, only gnashed her teeth at Henry, kicking her feet at him. They were bare and painted in red. She caught him on the cheek with one of her claws and he loosened his grip enough for her to lunge at him, knocking him to the ground. They rolled several paces before Henry grabbed her by the hair and straddled her. He bashed her head into the cement once, twice. She kicked, screeching at him and unable to get free. He took her by the head with both hands and twisted.

The sickening crack and the tangible silence that followed made Elowen dizzy. She stood there for a moment, staring at Henry and the girl who had now gone entirely still, her mouth still wide open with a scream cut short. He was panting but not moving, not backing away, he only looked at the girl who's neck he had just snapped, the girl he had killed. His hands were stained with blood.

Elowen leaned over and vomited onto the ground.

The sound of her heaving must've drawn Henry's attention because he was standing and walking over to her when she straightened back up. She hurried to back away from him, wiping her mouth on her sleeve.

"What did you just do?" she asked, her voice raw and cracking. Her throat burned and her eyes watered. She felt like she needed to vomit again.

Henry breathed heavily, but only a little. He had just thrown an average-sized female around like a ragdoll and snapped her neck like a twig and he didn't even look like he'd done more than walking down the street at a brisk pace. The thought made Elowen's stomach lurch again and she doubled over in anticipation. By the time the feeling pass and she stood back up, Henry had his phone in his hand. He stuffed it back into his pocket after tapping the screen a few times.


"You killed her."

Henry closed his mouth and pursed his lips. He didn't refute what she said but didn't look inclined to assure her everything was okay either. Her mind raced. The girl and her deformed face and Mr. Lensky and then Henry showing up and killing her. He didn't have the audacity to even look bothered about it, to look guilty. Like he snapped necks on the daily.

"What the hell was that?" she snapped. She lifted her hand to her mouth, thinking of the girl's teeth. "Her face. It was―and she was growling. She was―her mouth, she was eating―" Short of breath suddenly, Elowen gasped and let out in a ragged whoosh of air. "Mr. Lensky. Oh, God!" She started toward the alley where he was.

Henry grabbed her by the arm. "Don't." Elowen pulled at the arm he held. "Elowen, don't. You don't want to see."

"Let me go!" She yanked on her arm, pulling away from him.

He did and grabbed her by both shoulders instead, preventing her from moving. He turned her to face him.

"Look at me," he said, face inches from hers when she leaned away, trying to find exactly where Mr. Lensky lay. "He's dead. You can't help him."

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