"I never told any of you this, but I was terrified to become your Luna. Growing up as the daughter of two Alphas you would think I would have been ready for such a role but I wasn't." I snort remembering the first few days of quiet introductions and nervous conversations. Quentin frowns out of the corner of my eye, and I know he's confused considering the fact I'm winging it right now. "It wasn't because I was scared of having such a high title, or the fact that I was moving away from my family. It's because I knew how much you all had been through, and how tough you all are for coming out of it stronger than ever before." I take a second to catch my breath and look out at all the faces of the people who I've grown accustomed to seeing everyday. I'll be damned if anyone is going to take this away from me. In this moment I know that I will do whatever it takes to make sure they can come back home within the week and not have to fear living their day to day lives any longer.

"I'm not going to lie to you and say the next few days are going to be a walk in the park because they won't, but there isn't a single doubt in my mind that we can overcome this together. Unfortunately it is going to come down to a fight, but we have many other packs who are going to be fighting along side us. As for those who can't fight you will be moved to an undisclosed neutral territory for your own safety." I motion for Jasper to step forward. I'm hoping if they hear from him it will put at least some of their worries to rest. "This is Conner, and he helped get the area set up for your arrival." I step back as Jasper walks forward with a raised eyebrow.

"A fake name, really?" He whispers so the crowd can't hear him. Quentin is even bitting back his smile at my attempts to conceal Jasper's identity, but I'm putting my foot down on this.

"I told you that I would do everything in my power to keep you as out of this as I could." He rolls his eyes shaking his head with a hint of a smile peaking out.

"Hi everyone, as Luna Tessa said my name is Conner." Jasper's voice cracks at the end causing Quentin to snicker next to me. I reach over pinching him in the thigh making him shut up. "Keeping the location of the hide out secret is solely for your own safety so that our enemies can't find it either. I will be escorting everyone who cannot fight along with Carl and a few other warriors, and once we get there each person will be assigned a bed. Please feel free to ask anyone up here if you have any questions." His crooked smile seems to help ease the tensions a bit, and unfortunately I can hear the whispers as well as see the curious looks he's getting. He turns nodding to Quentin and I before moving back next to Carl who gives him a hidden fist bump.

"This fight is going to be brutal and bloody, so no one will be forced to fight even if you are a warrior. The decision is in each of your hands, and we won't judge you no matter which you choose. We leave in a half an hour, so you have a bit of time to talk with your families and friends. Lastly I want to thank you for the opportunity to be your Alpha. You welcomed not only me but also my brother back with opened arms when we might have been a bit young to run the pack. You were patient, understanding, and so accepting. I'm beyond proud to be your Alpha, and I will be just as proud by this time next week." I swallow the lump in my throat blinking the tears away. Quentin some how found a away to say goodbye without panicking the pack. Our fate is up in the air and this could very well be the last time we are gathered here together.

"I need to tell you all something." I blurt out. Quentin steps to the side, and tries to catch my eye but I keep my gaze locked on the crowd. He's probably extremely confused at the moment but he'll understand in a second. "It's about my mom." All the chatter dies down and the silence makes me start second guessing myself. Do I really want to tell them?

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