"Why? What are you wearing?"

Seriously out of all this he only pick this.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going out for riding for next few hours. So I will come and collect it from front desk." I answered with a sigh. Why is he so persistent?

"Riding what bicycle?" I scoffed at his comment.

"No motorcycle" I answered him keeping my sanity.

"Perfect give me 30 mins I'll join you for the ride meet me at wtc."

"No no you can't go with me, I am going to a motorcycle ride"

"I promise not to bully you just meet me their. We'll discuss the point later."

He disconnected the call and I thought to myself "isn't that work urgent few minutes before?"

She blew out the breath of disgust and irritation and kicks the gear while climbing on bike. She ride towards the center of town for wtc.


Ryan POV~

I never expected her to appear so sexy in her bikers look.

Wait a minute.... Is this BMW 1300s she riding?

It's one of the most expensive in world. From her background check I came to know they have a small business in her native place which her mom runs with her granny. And there wasn't any information about his father. So might it be from her father's side??

This girl is surely full of secret.

He climbed on his yamaha YZF R1 and waits for her to remove her helmet. She removed it and set it to the crock of arms. Her mid night black long hair flowed over her shoulder, Her enticing, constellation-blue eyes gazed at me over her puffy, heart shaped lips. She wore grungy clothes in rebellious way showing her perfectly sculpted figure. She owns a personality for a queen.

"Nice bike.. what do you want to discuss about?" she asked me while I was gawking at her like a lovesick idiot. What's wrong with me?

"Right now nothing... Tell me one thing how does a salaried assistant able to afford and ride one of the most expensive bike in world?"

She got startled by my question. She looked away from me and answered anyway "its my friend's bike.. I borrowed it from him as a favor which he owed me"

She wass lying I could clearly tell but still the mention of a friend make me jealous. There is seriously something wrong with me.

"And he gave his one of  most expensive bike just for a ride without any second thought. You must be very special to him"

"And what are you my local guardian?"
She asked me in a irritated tone.


I was confused by her weird questions but anyway answer it.

"My landlord?"


"My neighbor?"

Indelible Chemistry [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now