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"Champagne?" I leaned back in my seat as Jonathan handed me a glass, "Fancy- and illegal? I'm 18."

"It's alright- I won't tell anyone." Jonathan softly smiles at me, "It's a special occasion- you saved me, Zee."

"Oh, stop-" I tilted my head to the side lightly, "You would do the same for me."

"I would die for you." Jonathan set the bottle down, "I've spent so long dreaming of the day that we'd finally be together."

"To us-" He held up his glass.

I stood up and lightly hit my glass against his, a small smile on my lips, "To us."

I took a sip of mine, looking away from him, Jonathan eyeing me, "Something's troubling you?"

"They won't stop trying, you know?" I looked at him, "They're working on a stronger serum to break our connection-"

Jonathan's expression doesn't falter not once, "Of course they are-"

"That doesn't worry you?" I ask him.

"No one can hurt us if we get the Morning Star first." Jonathan said, "And once we have that sword, the entire world will be terrified of us."

"I don't want the world to be terrified of me." My voice got quiet, "I just- I want the world to accept us."

Jonathan sighs, "As much as I want that- It's the only way they will finally leave us at peace."

"But- the Seelie Queen said she will only give you the Morning Star sword if you bring her Lilith's head."

"Well, those were her terms." Jonathan smirks, "You up for a trip to Prague, little sister?"

"Can't wait-" I laugh lightly, taking another sip of my champagne as he walked past me, setting down his glass.

A fire message flew in, as I caught it, my eyes scanning the paper, Jonathan looking at me, "From your Shadowhunter friends?-"

"It's from Jace." My heart was filled with warmth, setting down my glass, holding the paper with both hands, a wide smile on my lips, "I- he wants to meet, he says his love for me matters more than his loyalty to the New York Institute- and to prove it, he'll help us get back the Morningstar sword-"

"No- it's a trap." Jonathan shook his head, "He just wants to come between us like he did before."

"No- Jonathan, this is amazing-" I giggled, jumping up and down lightly in slight excitement, feeling the few sips I had taken of the champagne starting to hit me already, "He no longer has the power to try and separate us- because I'm with you because I want to be with you- and this way- I could have both of you-"

Jonathan looked slightly hurt, "Well, then why do you even need him?"

"Because I love him." I slowly stopped, looking at him, my voice quieting down, "I can't live without him- he's my everything."

Jonathan didn't like this, "He wants me dead, Zee."

"Not if I tell him that I can't live without you." I suggested, "To be with me, Jace would accept that- please- he loves me more than anything in this world- our love is-"

"I love you more than anything in this world!" Jace cuts me off, "Isn't that enough?"

"I want to hear Jace out." I stared at him, "I'm going, so if you love me- come with me."


"My sister made me promise not to kill you unless this is an ambush." Jonathan said, his blade to Jace's neck when we arrived at the meeting spot, "Maybe- it's my lucky day."

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