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[ alec's pov ]

"Alec-" Isabelle follows me into my room, "Alec."

"What?" I turn and face her, frustration filling within me due to what I had witnessed.

"Talk to me, big brother." She stood her ground, looking up at me, "I know something's up. Is this about Jace?"

"It's not fully about Jace-" I mutter, crossing my arms, looking away.

"Then what?" Isabelle pushes for me, wanting to be there for me.

"It's about Zee too." I blurt out, "It's about both of them."

Isabelle stares at me, "Why would this be about Zee? Because she kissed him?"

"Yes." I huff, running a hand through my hair, "It's about what I felt for her."

Isabelle's eyes slightly widen, "You felt something for her?"

I swallow, blinking long and hard, admitting it, "I did."

"What about Jace?" Isabelle questions, "About you being in love with him?"

"I mean, it's that too." I sat on my bed, huffing deeply, "I just- damn it."

Isabelle sat with me, putting a hand on my back, "Deep breath."

I obey, then stare at the ground, "When I'm with Zee- I don't think. There's not a thought that crosses my mind. I thought I hated her because of what she felt for Jace- but it was because of what I felt for her."

Isabelle nods for me to go on, as I did, "Jace- with him, I know it's never going to happen. And I knew that with the way Jace was pinning over Zee, that they were bound to happen. I just thought- after her and I- you know- things could've been different."

I sigh deeply, "And then there's Magnus- and apparently I've opened something in him- and I-"

Isabelle nods, rubbing my back.

I bury my face in my hands, "I don't know what to do."


[ zee's pov ]

It was the next day, and I was stood in the middle of the Institute with Jace.

I was dressed in a burgundy t shirt, one that was loosely tucked into my blacked ripped jeans, black heeled boots on my feet, my necklace dangling from my neck, my hair straight, my leather jacket resting on the chair.

"Okay- it literally looks like a wine glass." I remark, holding onto the Mortal Cup with Jace, staring up at him.

"That wine glass saved your life." Jace smiles at my remark.

"Okay- and if I hadn't gotten this wine glass out in time?" I shot him a look, "I'd be dead meat-"

"But- you did." Jace cuts me off, "First rule of Shadowhunting when something explodes, just keep walking. Never think twice. Never look away."

"And what's the second rule?" I question.

Jace leans in, pressing his lips into mine, not mentioning the second rule.

I smile into the kiss, kissing back.

My eyes snap open when the Cup is pulled out of our hands. Jace and I slowly pull away from our kiss, our heads turned towards Isabelle who stood at the top of the steps, the Cup in her hands after she had used her whip to grab it from us, "There's nothing a Shadowhunter can't do in heels."

Jace shot her a look, as I smile at him, Isabelle walking over to me, handing me back the Cup, a playful smile on her lips.

I grabbed the card, putting the Mortal Cup back in, placing on hand on my hip, as I stood with Clary and Isabelle.

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