So, Sheldon and I had walked to the circle where we train/fight and got into positions. Sheldon took off his shirt threw it to the side, looked at me and flexed his arms. They got big or they just looked big to me since he's shirtless and all.

I was ready for this nothing could stop me but out of nowhere Sheldon pouched me his hardest throwing me back a few feet. I thought I was ready for this, but I wasn't. I threw a look at my father and he nodded his head. I put my arms above my head pushing off the ground throwing myself up in the air to land on my feet. As soon as I got onto my feet I ran towards Sheldon and tackled him throwing pouches after pouches left and right like there was nothing that could stop me. Sheldon had kicked me off of him throwing me above his head, landing on my feet. I stayed there listening for him to come at me and he did I done a back flip over him landed behind him and done a low swift kick knocking him off his feet.

Then once again I had got on top of him knowing blows left and right non-stop. Like I was heated everything that I got in me was like kill him. I flipped off of him and was about to shift into my wolf form out of nowhere. Until someone had called my name, making me loose my train of thought on what I was doing.

"Olivia!" it was my father. "Olivia, its enough! Stand down now." It was the alpha voice now. I couldn't disobey the command, alpha or father I had listened.

I stopped what I was doing and moved away from Sheldon. My father snapped his fingers and a couple of guards came and picked up Sheldon and helped him to the doctors' house.

"As you were saying, Sheldon." Charlie said.

"Shut up," Sheldon try to say.

"I'm so sorry Sheldon. I didn't know what came of me." I told him.

He nodded at me before they carried him away. Everyone that was there in the training looked at me and bowed down. I looked at every single person that was there watching them do that. Then looked at my father, he was bowing down himself. My own father bowing, and he don't bow for anyone.

I looked at my hands as all the blood, dirt, cuts and bruises were there, the cuts and bruises were healing already but everything else was still there. I didn't know what I had done, I almost killed Sheldon.

"Father, I almo-" I started to say but my father stopped me by putting up his hand.

He came to me and spoke. "I know you think you almost did, but you didn't that's why I stopped you."

"But how was I doing that. I didn't even know I had it in me." I said softly, still looking at my hands.

"The alpha blood in you. It makes you stronger than any other wolf." He told me, then looked at everyone else. "If any one of yall ever touches her in any harmful way or anything else I will not stop her. You already saw what she can do, she almost killed my 3rd if I hadn't interfered the combat. If yall lay a single finger on her without her permission, that will be your punishment. Do yall understand me." He spoke clearly through his alpha voice.

"Yes, Alpha." They all said bowing again once more.

"Training is done for the day. Get back to your homes, there's a storm about to come, I can feel it." My father said.

They bowed once more, and everyone ran to their house to take cover before the storm had come. My father, brothers, Charlie and I walked back to the house ourselves. I felt bad at what had happened but felt power like I never felt before.

Alpha Female Princess Book 1 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now