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Castiel has been staying with us for over a week now. He had sent back Samuel and Dean the next day, to cover his spot back at his territory, to make sure the pack is under control and nothing has happened. It’s been really boring here, nothing exciting, just the basic stuff; training with both human and wolf forms, the rouges trying to make a breakthrough our territory, but the guards have been stopping them. Castiel has been helping my father with the alpha stuff all day long and at night he tries to spend some time with me, so we can get to know each other more.

                It was hard some days, I couldn’t do much. Castiel had given Kevin, my guard orders, with my father’s permission as well, to keep a good look on me, where to go, and who to hang out with. I felt like a little kid again. But I get it, I was his mate and he wanted his mate safe and sound.

                There was one day he had called a meeting with all the guards out in the back yard with my father right beside him. I had happened to walk in on it well walked out during the meeting. He was telling the guards to keep a tight movement on everything, making sure no hair was out of place on me. It was crazy how this was going on, even with my father right beside him doing this, allowing everything to happen.

                When my father had to go on his business trips, he had put Castiel in charge of everything. Even though my brothers and I could handle everything but Castiel and my father had told me to stay out of everything let Castiel and my brothers to take care of everything.

                Parker and Castiel would have talked for hours in my father’s study about new training for the guards and Parker allowed it. The guards agreed to new training. They grouped into 10 wolfs at a time certain times of the day.

                When Castiel wasn’t working with the guards or with Parker, he would be in his room showering, taking some naps when he could or watching over me in the living room. I hadn’t let him come into my room just yet. He would come knock on my door to let me know when there was food, to come eat with him. As we would eat, we would talk for hours until it was time for him to get back to work or it was time for me to go to bed.

                There was one day Emily and I was about to leave to go shopping, he wasn’t happy about it but let us go. He had put a few extra guards with us on top of Kevin being with us already.

                “Liv, I get Castiel is your mate but damn all the guards really.” She had told me as Kevin was driving us into town.

“Emily I know but him and my father thinks there’s gonna be a war soon, since the only alpha’s daughter is finally taken. And both my father and Castiel thinks it’s safer for me.” I told her. “Plus, I kinda like all the new attention on me now.”

                Kevin had snorted at that after I had said something about the new attention.

“What?” I had asked him.

“Its kinda funny, because you already had all the attention in the world from your friends, father and me. But once Mr. Big Shot comes into town into your life, it is like ou lala.” Kevin said laughing again.

Kevin was right, but I didn’t even realize for a moment what was going on. “Shut up, Kevin. Just keep driving.” I told him.

Alpha Female Princess Book 1 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now