The String

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Izuku's POV

The party was still going, it was almost 12. My heart was racing and I felt sweaty all over. "Midoryia, it's almost time!" Ashido said,"Y-yeah, gee I can't wait," I said nervously smiling. I am pretty sure Kacchan has left, I went up and looked around. I then found him sleeping on the couch. He looked rather peaceful, it was nice. I stared at him for who knows how long until I finally came back to reality.

I quickly checked the time on my phone, 11:59. Omg, it was finally happening! I looked to find Ashido, but she was no where to be seen. Then in the blink of an eye, I found a string tied to my pinky.

I look over and see my string connects to Kacchan! I was bursting with excitement! Ashido was right, it was him all along! What was I fearing? "Ashido!" I yell. I could hear her running in my direction,"What happened!" She said worried. "Look!" I point to my string and Kacchan. "OMG, IT HAPPENED!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, waking up Kacchan. "WHO THE HE- wait," he was about to scream, but he noticed the string. He looked up at me, seeing I have the other end.

Katsuki's POV

I woke up to the sound of screaming, to then find a damn string wrapped around my pinky. I quickly looked up at Deku, who had his too connecting to mine. I stood there frozen in shock, shit.

"DAMN!" I yell. Why did this have to happen to me! "Okay, here are the rules don't come near me, touch me, or even speak. Got it?" I said frustrated. "Bakugou isn't that a bit har-," cutting her off," Shut up raccoon eyes!" I yell. I lay down, closing my eyes to escape from this horrid reality.

I could hear raccoon eyes and Deku's footsteps slowly disappearing. Tsk, how wrong I was to discover that this party could have gotten worse. A lot worse.. I am going to leave this party. I went out, and drove back home.

I arrived at home, no lights inside the house. The old hag and clown were probably already asleep by then. I look back at my red string, dammit! I went into my bed, too tired to even do anything.

All I can think about was Deku that night.

                                Time skip

It was the early morning, I get up to find the old hag squealing over the phone. Tch, girls and their high-pitched scream. "Katsuki, come down here!" She yelled. "What the hell do you want!" I shot back. "Izuku is your soulmate! We have to invite him over for dinner." She said smiling more than she had ever did. It was annoying! "NO, you can't do that!" I holler. "Already did, go get dressed you brat." she said firmly. Gr, now I have to see that nerd again.

I got dressed into my favorite t-shirt and put on some pants. I was trying to mess with my hair a little until I heard the doorbell ring. Tch, must be the nerd and his mom. I went downstairs to find the old hag talking to them with all smiles, I just rolled my eyes. Deku was looking at me shyly, I just glared and walked off. This is a waste of time!

We all sat at the table, it was awkward as fuck. To break the silence, the old hag was asking Deku about his relationship with me and about his day.

Izuku's POV

Kacchan's mom was asking all sorts of questions. My brain feels all jumbled from every time I had to answer. "Well, after this won't you two boys go hangout?" she asked. "Oh, for sure . Right, Kacchan?" I said hesitantly. "Yeah, okay." he said looking the other way. Mhm, this isn't working out as I hoped it would. I thought the dinner would bring us closer, but he's being too distant.

Everybody was finished with their food now. "Hey Kacchan, uh so do you want to go to the ice cream please downtown?" I ask. "Whatever," we both went into the car and drove off.

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