To Cope, and to Survive

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I woke up completely awake and happy.  The date with Brayden the night before was perfect.  Actually, almost perfect.  If Ace hadn't interrupted us, it could've been.  But Brayden was so sweet!  I was glad that he asked me out.  With a smile on my face, I got dressed and headed over to Jake's house.  I looked up expectantly when he opened the door to his car.  "So did you meet up with Teddy Bear last night?" I asked expectantly.

"Yes!  You happy now?" he asked annoyed.

"Yes, so how did it go?"  He fidgeted a little before answering.

"Um, I felt the same way I did the night I came to your house," he confessed.  I looked at his face, and I knew that he was smitten with her.

"What is it you like about her?  There's got to be a reason," I encouraged.

He looked deep in thought when he said, "She's funny, smart, understanding, and really cute."  I smiled widely.  He said that she was cute last, and listed the qualities that actually matter first.  I was so happy for him.  He and Julia would be a great couple.  If Julia liked him back, anyways.  "Why are you smiling so much today?"

"First reason; my date with Brayden went great last night.  Second reason; I'm just happy for you," I said vaguely.

"Really?  I'm going to have to really meet this Brayden of yours!  And, what do you mean you're happy for me?"  I gave him an 'I know that you know what I meant' look, and he still looked clueless.  "Yeah, you're not going to tell me," he said at last.  I shrugged.

When we finally arrived at school, the first person I looked for was Brayden.  In my search, I ran into Anna, Jasmine, and Justin at the benches outside.  It was the end of October, and it was chilly!  Why are they out here?  "Oh, hey guys," I said looking distant.

Jasmine raised her eyebrows.  "You know, you said you'd call us and tell us all about it."

Justin butted in.  "And sorry I couldn't be there to help you get ready.  I had drama class to go to."  I nodded to him understandingly.

I felt so bad for forgetting!  "Sorry guys, my mom came back last night, and I didn't know.  And she asked, wait, FORCED me to tell her all about Brayden," I said while face-palming myself.

"Really?" Anna said while laughing.  "That's OK, I understand."  I smiled and looked at Jasmine and Justin.  They gave me a nod as well.  "So, tell us all about it!" she said eagerly.

"Sure!  It was amazing.  He bought me popcorn, and was scared when we watched Supernatural Nightmare.  It was-" I started, but Jasmine cut me off.

"WHAT!!! You need somebody to comfort you!" she exclaimed disapprovingly.

"Jasmine!  I was getting to that part."  She still looked at me with a look of disproval.  "As I was saying, he was really scared, and I got to hold his hand for the whole movie!  And once, he hugged me," I said proudly.

"OK, I take back what I said," Jasmine said with a shake of her head.  I laughed and hugged her.  Justin cleared his throat.

"Hey, even though this Brayden sounds...ah-mazin', I'm still going to have to meet him!" he stated like it was his duty.

I rolled my eyes and raised my hands exasperatedly.  "What's up with guy-friends and wanting to meet their girl-friend's boyfriend?  It doesn't matter whether the guy-friend is a gay guy-friend or a straigh guy-friend, they all want to meet the boyfriend!"  After that rant, I was out of breath.

"Uh, am I the only one who's lost?" Anna asked, breaking the silence.  Everybody shook their heads slowly.

My eyes widened and I wondered why I said that.  "Sorry, I just don't like being the center of attention, you know?"

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