Ace Is an Asshole

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God damn it.

Every fucking time.

Why do I always leave my deodorant in the locker rooms?

Putting on a clean blue shirt, I reached for the nonexistent stick of magic that prevents my beautiful biceps from smelling like a stink-bomb.  I sighed and ran downstairs.

Mother and Father were never up very early.  They slept away their troubles, I assumed.  It was only seven after all.  If there was one thing I always did, it was running.  Might as well continue to do so routinely.

My hands opened the cool stainless-steel bars of the fridge.  I wrinkled my nose at the stench of stale beer and unexplainable odors, still lingering after the Halloween party a few weeks before.  Turning around to the wall beside me, I could vividly see Brayden making out with a provocative girl.  Wait, correction; Kaitlyn was a provocative girl.  The girl Brayden was making out with was just a whore

I could see the lust, and the anger I felt.  It hurt more to see the whore making out with Brayden than it would be to see Kaitlyn making out with him.  Because then I would know that she wasn't betrayed.

I was snapped out of my reverie by the loud beeping sound the refrigerator made when the cold air was escaping for too long.  Quickly snatching the orange juice and gulping some down, I laced up my running shoes and headed out the door.

 After the first mile I was feeling the sweat.  The way it rushed across my scalp cautioned me of how fast I was running.  Winds touched my skin in a pleasant way.  I forced my feet to slow into a jog, entering the park where I kissed Kaitlyn.

God, it was the best kiss I ever had.

My eyes spotted a figure coming the opposite direction.  It was a girl with ear buds flopping gently across her orange shirt.  I could tell she was hot.  Curvy.

All right, bring her on.  Flashing a smile, I moved closer until I was close enough to see who it really was.

Julia returned my smile with the most menacing frown you'd have ever seen.  I quickly dropped mine and put a hand on her wrist.

"Get off of me," she said as she yanked her arm away.  "I don't want to hear what you have to say, all right?"

"Seriously, I need to talk to you, and it's not to win you back."

Her green eyes widened slightly at the words.  "Win me back?" She took out her ear buds with cold fingers.  "I'm not an idiot.  I know you have feelings for Kaitlyn, Ace.  I just hate you for . . . the things you've done.  To me and others."

I didn't know how to respond.  How long was she going to hold that over my head?  "I'm an asshole," I admitted.

"You're worse than that!" she yelled.  "You're a piece of shit! And you smell like it, too." A sharp inhale of breath stopped her from lashing out at me.

My lips pursed as I let that nasty feeling in my gut take over me.  Damn deodorant.   Or lack of in that case. "I'm trying to be better," I tried to assure her.

"No.  You need to be better.  If you want even a small percent chance of being with Kaitlyn who may I add, has a boyfriend, you have no choice but to change.

I watched her leave with bounding strides and I copied her, running in the opposite direction.  The breeze that felt great a moment before suddenly felt crisp and hostile.  I wondered why I wasn't wearing a jacket, and then it occurred to me that Kaitlyn accidentally took it home the night we met on the bench.

It had my name on it.

My feet pounded the pavement faster.  My position of being anonymous was not going to last much longer.


I haven't posted in a very, very long time.  Thank you readers, I appreciate it so much from the few that enjoy my writing.  And if you don't, well . . . I'll get better!  Dedicated to icannotfall because she's very cool :D

And by the way, this story is super dramatic because it's for fun, ya' know?



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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 22, 2014 ⏰

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