Unknown People, and Unknown Feelings

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I gave Mr. Woodfield the question that I got a few days ago, and it was published in the newspaper.  When I got home, the first thing I did was check for more E-mails.  I really hoped I got another question.  I looked, and there was... nothing.  I sighed and checked my Facebook.  There was still the friend request from Ace.  Should I friend him?  As I hovered over the accept button, my cell phone rang and I clicked the accept button in shock.  "Oh, sh**!!!" I yelled.  The caller ID on my phone said Anna.

"LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!!!" I screamed into the phone.

"What!  Sorry!  What happened?" she said worriedly. 

"You called me while I was contemplating whether to friend Ace on Facebook or not, and then I clicked accept because I was shocked by your call!" I explained still angry.  I know I'm not supposed to be, but what's he going to say to me tomorrow?  "Sorry Anna, I just have no idea what to do when I see him tomorrow," I apologized.  "So what's up?"

"It's no problem, and I wanted to tell you that a certain someone, let's call him Bumblebee, asked about you!" she said excitedly.

"Oh my gosh!  Really?  What did he say?" I asked.  I stood up and started pacing anxiously.

"He asked how you were doing, and wanted me to say hi for him!"

"Does that mean that Brayden likes me, after what he did?"  I didn't know what to think of him after the way he left me hanging today.

"I don't know, but it shows that he's interested..." Anna said thoughtfully.  While she said this, I received an E-mail for the AA column.

"Yay!  I really hope so, Anna.  Hey, can I talk to you later?" I asked trying to mask my excitement.

"Sure Kaitlyn!  Bye!"  I ended the call and opened the E-mail.  It read:

Dear Ashley,

I just want someone to talk to.  Do you mind not posting this on the newspaper?


( *

I thought about it, and decided that if that person needed someone to talk to in private, who am I to say that it needs to go public?

Dear ( *,

Of course I don't mind!  What's up? 

I sent the message and waited for a reply.  I guess I didn't have to wait long though.

Dear Ashley,

I tried your advice, and that specific person didn't respond well.  And, I don't really have any family or friends to talk about things.

I wrote back,

Oh, sorry about that.  And can I have your phone number so it's easier to talk?

Sure, the person replied.  I received the number and texted him.

Me: So, why don't you have anyone to talk to?

Person: My parents always fight and are never there for me.  I'm just a boy living in their house to them.  It's hard to get close to anyone now.

Me: Oh, well you can always talk to me :)

Him: Thank you.  So what's up?

Me: I'm just talking to you and writing.  I really want to forget this school day!  I keep getting mixed signals from somebody.

Him: Oh, well just talk to him/her!  It usually works.  And you write?  Writing is hard!  I hope you're good ;)

Me: Okay, thanks for the advice :)  I know I'm good!  (Not really, thank you very much)  I have to go now.  Maybe I'll see you at school.  But I won't know it's you :P

Him: Sure, haha!  Sorry about my . . . insensitivity.  Bye

I put down my phone and just sat, thinking.  Who was this boy?  I hope he texted me soon even if he was slightly irritating.  Today at school was really interesting.  Brayden frustrated me so much, and I didn't know what to make of it.


"Hey Brayden!  what's up?"  I asked with my hands behind my back, wringing them nervously.

"Oh, hey Kaitlyn.  I'm good, but I didn't really get the science lesson.  I'm not doing so well in there, and I was thinking you could tutor me," he said. I looked at him with my mouth open in shock.  Did he really want me to tutor him?  My heart started beating faster.  I could hear it ringing in my ears.  "Uh, is something wrong?  You don't have to if you don't want to." he assured me while scratching his head.

"NO!" I shouted.  He looked at me in surprise.  "I mean, I'd love to tutor you.  Anytime you want!" I laughed nervously.

"Great!  Here's my number, and I'll text you sometime."  He handed me a post it with his digits written on them, and before walked off, I stopped him. 

"Wait!  How's lunch in the library?  We have a science test tomorrow," I suggested. 

"Sure thing Katie.  See you then."  I walked to class feeling like I was floating . . .

Later at lunch...

I walked down to the library and sat at a table to wait for Brayden.  I sat for fifteen minutes just waiting.  Anxiously, I walked to the cafeteria to see him chatting with his friends at a table.  In shock and with tears in my eyes, I ran away.  Why did he stand me up?


I turned on the radio and forgot all about my problems for that moment.  All I wanted to do was write and get lost in the words.  I felt the pain, happiness, and guilt of every word I wrote.

Sometimes it even pained me to write my own story, but it was my escape from reality even though my writing was about my horrible memories.

Some might call me crazy to write about the things I want to forget about, but it made sense to me just to put my feelings on paper.

But of course it hurt every single time.


Hi, my beloved readers, please comment!  I'd hate it if my book was bad, but I'd hate it even more if nobody told me that it was :D

Love, CandieRocks

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