Saying Hi

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I woke up to a constant ringing noise.  I lifted my head off my wooden desk in my room, wondering what the noise was.  'Oh, it's the phone,' I realized.  I stood up groggily and ran to pick it up.  The caller ID said Heather.

"Hey Mom!" I answered.

"Hey, Honey.  I'm sorry I wasn't home yesterday.  It was a really busy day." my mom said.  "I'll be home at around 8:30.  Is that alright?"  I could tell by her voice that she was really tired.

"Okay Mom.  It's no problem." I replied.  Ever since my dad left us, it's been hard on Mom.  She works later hours, but never complains.  She's always been there for me.  Dad, that son of a bi---

"Ok Katie.  See you soon!  Dinner's in the fridge as usual," she said wearily, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yup, love you Mom," I replied before I hung up.  I couldn't wait until she came home again.  She used to always be home, always there for me.

***Six Years Ago***

I finished school that day with a broken heart.  Why was sixth grade so bad?  I kept my head down the whole five minutes I was waiting for my Mom.

"Honey!" I heard a familiar voice from a waiting car.  I quickly looked up to see Mom waving at me.

"Mom!" I shouted as I ran to the car door.  Even though I was so glad to see her, I was so embarrased to tell her the bad news.

She looked at me with a concerned look when she stopped at a red light.  "What's wrong, Hon?"

I shook my head slowly.  "You can tell me anything, you know that right?"  I nodded.  "Then tell me what's wrong."

I sobbed even more and Mom comfortingly patted me brown hair.  "You know how I tried for the part of Mary Poppins?"

"Yes!  You were amazing!" she exclaimed.  Her smile was so real and genuine.

I couldn't bear to tell her the truth now that she was so happy.  "I didn't get the part," I whispered.  I expected to get a dissapointed sigh and the question, 'why?'

Mom surprised me by wrapping an arm around my shoulders warmly.  "I'm so proud of you."  I looked up in surprise.

"Why?  Why aren't you dissapointed in me?"

"You tried, Honey!  Not many people have the courage to do that!  No matter what you do, I'm prould of you.  I'll also be there for you every day," she added with a matter-of-fact tone.

"Every day?"

"Every single day."  She tapped my nose with a laugh and I grinned happily back.  My bad mood before dissapeared completely.


"Oh, I'm really hungry . . ." I said to myself when my stomach rumbled.  I ran downstairs and microwaved my dinner.  Over the rumble of the microwave, I didn't hear Justin ring the doorbell.

"Kaitlyn!" he yelled while pounding on the door.

"Oh sorry Justin!" I shouted while running to the door.  I opened the door, and he ran into the kitchen.  "What are you doing?" I wondered aloud. 

When I entered the kitchen, he was sitting down, eating my dinner.  "Really?  You came here for my dinner?" I exclaimed.  "You're coming with me to get a new meal, Justin." 

He did always have a huge appetite.  That's why when we go out to dinner with all our friends, he pays for himself.  It was kind of mean, but when a boy eats two appetizers, a main dish, three drinks, and two desserts, a person only has so much money to spend.

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