Jake's Fuzzy Teddy Bear

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I've given the E-mail idea to Mr. Woodfield and he surprisingly gave permission to use it. So then, I was sitting at my cluttered desk in my room, waiting for an E-mail. As I surfed the Internet, I heared the usual ping I get when I receive an E-mail. It was from the Ask Ashley address, and suddenly my heart started beating faster.

I absolutely loved to write, but responding to someone who needed help wih something put an invisible weight on my shoulders.

What if I gave the wrong advice?  I didn't know how I could live with myself if I wasn't able to fix the problems I created.  But how great would the reward be if I did manage to help them?

The E-mail read, 'Dear Ashley,

I can't get close to people. I try talking to them, but they (particularly one person) are disgusted by me. What can I do?


( * '

I replied saying, 'Dear viewer,

Firstly, thanks for asking for my advice! Second of all, I think you should start with a simple hello, and then try finding something in common with the person. Also, smile, and be interested in what they have to say.



Then as I hit send, the doorbell rang. "Coming!" I called out as I headed down the stairs. I opened the front door to see Jake out of breath with his brown hair very tangled.

"Hey Kaitlyn, I need your help." he panted as he stumbled through the door.

"Sure, what's up?" I replied confused. "Why are you so . . . messy?" He had his shirt thrown on backwards, wasn't wearing his other shoe, and was wearing boxers. No pants.  "You don't have time to throw on some pants?"

"I was with Julia tonight," he said. Julia was one of his 'No Strings Attached' girls. I didn't see the problem. "But then I . . . felt something," he said with a dazed expression.  "It was like a warm, tingly feeling, and it made feel fuzzy inside.  Maybe like cuddling my teddy bear."  He trailed off at the last sentence and his eyes glazed over slightly.

"Wait, you have a teddy bear?" I asked after laughing until my sides hurt.

"No!" he protested.  "I mean, uh, like cuddling a teddy bear.  I don't have one!" he said unconvincingly.



"Uh huh."

"Fine! I do have one! Can you just help me out?" he finally said, throwing his hands up.

"Okay, I think you're starting to like her as more than someone to 'play with'." I suggested.

Jake sat down on the brown living room couch as he thought about it.  "What?  That's not right.  I've never felt that before with the others."  Jake looked like he's never liked someone before.

"You've never liked someone before huh?" I asked.  "Where is Julia right now anyways?"

"She's in my bed." he mumbled.

"WHAT!!! Get back there right now!" I yelled.  I couldn't believe he ditched her!  I pulled him off the couch and ushered him to the door.

"What do I say?  I've been here for over ten minutes." he asked worriedly.

"Just say you have an emergency and she has to go home today."  Jake was still thinking for some reason, so I pushed him out the door.  "Go! She's waiting for you!"

I rushed him further as he finally came to his senses and ran across the street to his house.  "Aww, little Jake finally likes someone," I said to myself as I went upstairs to my room.

I fingered the bracelet I always wore every day fondly.  Why did I even wear it?  My father was dead to me, and I still wore it anyways.  'It's one of the only good memories I have of him now,' I thought.  I missed the old him so much.  'He isn't the same anymore, Kaitlyn!  Get over it,' my concience told me.

Sighing, I opened my lap top again.  My two choices until I went to bed were to proofread and edit my assignment about Shakespeare's contributions and greatest works that was due the next day to Mr. Vella, or continue to write my personal story.

I thought the choice was a no brainer and opened up the file on my computer labled, My Story.

Slumping into my chair, I dove into the waters of my imagination and feelings to find the spark of my book.  I couldn't think of a name yet, but I was certain that it would come to me.

My fingers cracked the knuckles on my hands and flew over the keyboard.  The words flew from my fingertips . . .

"What have I become?" Chris whispered with his hands clutching his head.  "I've let you down, Jane."

She swallowed the sorrow collecting inside of her, but it was just replaced with hurt and anger.  "I don't know, but the fact that's for certain is that you've betrayed me!"  Her voice raised in volume the more she spoke to him. 

She couldn't help but let a tear roll down her cheek, making a small river of hurt.

"I'm sorry.  So sorry."  He advanced slowly to her lowered head.  "I don't expect you to forgive me, but I have to ask," he said, voice breaking.

Jane felt his hand brush her cold cheekbone; the gentle fingers flowing across her flesh, around her ear, and down her jet balck hair.

"There's no way I can!" she screamed with an unexpected rage.  "I don't want to see you become this!  I can't!"

Chris's face snapped to the side with a sickening clap of noise from Jane's open hand.  The slap hurt Jane more than him.

They stared at eachother for an eternity; his expression one of guilt and sadness, and her's one of rage and betrayal.

Then in one moment, they raced towards eachother in a forecful kiss.  It was a kiss of pure hate and love.  It was also a kiss of shame.

Shame because Jane couldn't stop herself from staying with as horrible person.  She loved the person that would bring her nothing but pain.  Jane was walking towards her downfall. . .

It would be Chris.

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