Checking the students

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After the attack on the sports tournament, the police started to try and search for any potential civilian that could be the anti hero 'spectre', but they couldn't find any that matched, not even ter voice recognition could target anyone to the voice, the case was halted until another sighting could be filed

The teachers decided it was best for a dormitory system to be implemented, so the two teachers of 1-A, All might and Eraserhead, had to travel to each of their students houses and ask permission from their student's parents, first was the bakugou's, who were the closest, when they entered they were met with katsuki doing all the chores of the house

AM: M-may we know why he is doing all of this?

Mitsuki: I don't really know exactly, a few weeks ago he was fine, but up until today he completely changed his personality

Aizawa: anyways, we came to ask if you'd like him to be placed into a dormitory?

Mitsuki: Of course I do, it's been to noisy with him cleaning the house from too to bottom

After that, the two splited up to save more time, after a few students aizawa made his way to the yaoyorozu's mansion

Aizawa: She must be still mourning her parents death, but I mustn't show her remorse, she still pushed a kid to death

He knocks on the door, no answer, he pushes the door to find it open, he walked in and searched the mansion, he made it to the living room where there was light, he peaks around the corner to see mannequins on chairs, one wearing a tuxedo with a green bushy wig

Aizawa: wh-what the?

???: Perfect

Before he could turn, he feels something hard hit the back of his head, causing him to go unconscious, when he woke up he found himself tied in a chair, he looks up to see momo in a wedding dress

Aizawa: Dear lord save me

Meanwhile with all might, he was having trouble trying to find todoroki's new home, it took him around 3 hours before he found it in the woods, he takes a deep breath in and turns into his buff form before entering, when he enters he is met with shoto with his mother

Rei: Hello there all might, may I know why you came?

AM: I came to ask if you'd like your son to live in a dormitory?

Shoto immediately hugs his mother as rei laughs at his behaviour

Rei: stop that shoto, your a teenager for good sake, you can visit me when the holidays come, okay?

Todoroki nods as all might looks around the room

AM: So did endeavor pay for this?

Rei: Oh no, I actually don't know where he is, but a man wearing a white mask did

All might's eyes widen, white mask?

Rei: He was so kind, he even came to pick me up after my stay at the hospital was over

All might took out a picture of anonymous and showed it to her

AM: I-if I may, is this the man you were talking about

Rei: Oh yes, that is him, why?

AM: n-no reason, well see you next week shoto

He jumps away to find aizawa as he looks at the photo once more

AM: We might have a lead

After jumping around the city, he finds aizawa curled up outside the yaoyorozu's mansion, he lands and walks towards him

AM: What's wrong eraserhead?

Aizawa: y-you wouldn't want to know, ev-even if you knew, y-you wouldn't get it

All might calls a cab and was about to enter when he got an alert from his phone, he looks at it to see a message

Better stop searching for things you don't want to know, if you do however look for me at the roof

All might was know confused, was this one of the man during the festival? And which roof?

( Timeskip to night )

After hours and hours of jumping, he lands on a roof to take a breath, that was when a voice was heard behind him

???: Took you long enough

He turns to see spectre leaning against the entry to the roof

Spectre: Saw you jump past many times, is your eye sight bad all might, or should I say Toshinori yagi?

All might's eyes widen as he struggles to get stand straight, that was when he puffs into smoke before revealing his skinny form

Spectre: There was a reason I had you search roof from roof, to make you go to this form, the one that makes you like 20% of the world, weak

Toshinori: w-what do you want?

Spectre: Me? I just want to fix the world that YOU failed to fix

He walks over the yagi and punches him the gut, causing him to spit out blood, spectre crouched down to his level and held his mask before removing it, revealing a face with scars with one eye gone

Spectre: So stop playing this game or I'll stop it for you

He kicks yagi, knocking him out cold before jumping off the building

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