The pink thot

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Today the students of 1-A were moving into the dorms, mountain of boxes were moved in one by one, when the mountain was gone the class decided to have a tour of each room, as they went to each other dorms the class clown, mina ashido, could be seen flirting with kirishima, this wasn't the first time she had done something like this, it was her 1300th time actually


After izuku got his heart broken by momo yaoyorozu, he was transferred to a new school, there he met mina ashido, unlike her present self she was shy and quiet, until she met izuku, he turned her from an introvert to a extreme extrovert, the two eventually started to date, it was smooth at first until that day

Izuku walked down the halls to his class, he was about to enter when he heard a voice, when peaks through the door to see mina surrounded by boys, he thought she was going to be bullied, until the kiss, that was the one thing that made izuku see through her, from a faithful girl to ............a thot



Luckily kirishima relates to his quirk a lot, mina kept trying and trying but gave up on adding him to the collection, she then looks a tenya with seductive eyes as momo was murdering denki for touching her 'husband', right before she could walk over to him she gets a call from her mother, she picks up the call to be met with shouting


Mina's eyes widen, how could her mother find out about them


Mina ends the call and blocks her mother before throwing her phone into a bin

Mina: She can't know, no one can

( Timeskip )

It was night, somewhere between 7 to 9, anyways it was almost time for them to sleep, right as mina was about to take a shower she hears a thud, she looks around to find the object to not find it, she ignores it and enters the shower, as she was she kept hearing the thud, but it kept getting louder and louder before the sound a glass shattering was heard, she grabs a towel and runs out the bathroom to see glass on the floor, on the window sill was a hooded man wearing a mask of a scared face

???: For my saviour

He jumps out the window as wings sprout out his hoodie and flies away, mina could be seen shaken as she looked around to see of anything was stolen, that was when she notices a letter on her desk, she grabs it and opens it

If you want to end the torment, call the following numbers at the back to find mine

She turns the letter around and realizes, the phone numbers were her ex's

( 7 hours later )

After many, many awkward calls she eventually gets the number, she dials it and waits for a response, she want- no, she needed to know who was responsible

???: Hel-

Mina: Who are you?

Anonymous: Straight to the point I see, you can call me anonymous, miss mina ashido

Mina: ho-how-

Anonymous: Now I have a question

Do you want to play a game?

Mina: w-wh-

Anonymous: Nah ah, I'm in control, so let me ask you again,

Mina: .............fine

Anonymous: Good choice

Three pictures appear on her laptop, it was three males, for some reason mina felt that the faces were familiar somehow

Anonymous: First round, which one of these do you think have a warrant for rape, murder and genocide in all states of America?

Mina: That's easy, the one in the middle has a cocky look, so it has to be him

Anonymous: Actually it's all three, second round, why did I show you these pictures?

Mina: Well I don't know, ask your mom or something

Anonymous: It should've been easy for you, as these were the three you cheated as your 'boyfriend' if you even remember him with

Mina's eyes widen as anonymous remained slient

Mina: b-but they were 9

Anonymous: Look again

Another three pictures appear, it was how she remembers them, mina felt like throwing up, that was when her door burst down to reveal the three with weapons in their hands, mina screams as the three walked over to her, she closes her eyes as the sound of bullets being fired could be heard, she opens them to see the three dead on the floor, she looks up to see anonymous standing there with a smoking gun

Anonymous: You broke izuku's heart even more, if you had even tried to ask you would've learned that he had his heart broken once before by your 'friend' momo yaoyorozu, look at her now, she's broken, you were given mercy by his soul in heaven

Anonymous drops the gun as he walks to the door

Anonymous: Be thankful that you can still cherish those around you, unlike izuku

He walks away as mina starts to break down into tears

Mina: I-I-im so-s-sorry izu-izu-

She collapses from heartbreak as the sound of sirens could be heard outside the gates

The anonymous watcherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora