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Avery looked out the window as the bus drove down the road. She had been curled up on the bus seat for an hour or so now, and she was getting tired. The scenery was becoming more rural, and trees were beginning to come into view. She reached her hand into the pocket of her jacket, and closed her grip gently on the letter she had opened from her grandfather the day before.

• • •

Yesterday at work Avery had finally had enough. A corrupt company with shady supervisors and shady employees really didn't make for the best minimum wage job. Rent had gone up, and her social life was crumbling. Avery felt that she could barely keep her head above water anymore. She had fallen into a rut, was starting to become depressed, and desperately needed a breath of fresh air in her life.

Avery was sitting at her same dead end job, wearing the same uniform, soaking in the same corporate environment in which she had been soaking in for the last four years. She got a job here immediately after high school, thinking things would change eventually. That things would look up the older she became. But boy was she wrong.

As if a lightbulb went off in her head, she remembered the letter her grandfather left with her before he passed.

"There will come a day when you feel crushed by the burden of modern life... and your bright spirit will fade before a growing emptiness. When that happens, my dear, you'll be ready for this gift."

His words echoed in Avery's head, and she scrambled through her desk for the envelope he left in her care. She held it gently in her hands, knowing very well it could be the key to getting out of here. She opened it, and her eyes widened. The envelope contained a letter from her grandfather and... the deed to his farm. Grandpa's farm. The words he spoke all those years ago reverberated in her mind as she grabbed her things and flew out of her office chair. She wasn't going to look back.

• • •

Today was going to be different. Avery was no longer sitting at an office job she hated. She was on her way to a new life. A fresh start, away from all of the big corporations and city schemes. A smile made its way onto her face as the bus passed a road sign that said "Stardew Valley, 0.5 miles".

The bus came to a stop, and Avery grabbed her bags, thanked the bus driver, and hopped off.

"Hello! You must be Avery?" A red haired woman caught her attention with a smile.

"Oh- yeah! Hi, it's nice to meet you," Avery smiled in return, shaking her hand. "My name is Robin," The woman introduced herself. "Mayor Lewis is at the farm right now tidying the house up for you. Follow me!"

The young girl followed Robin down a dirt pathway. Memories of visiting grandpa's farm flew through her mind. Playing with all of the farm animals, helping him pick crops, and helping him plant fruit trees. The thoughts made her warm with happiness as she looked around on the walk to your new home.

"Well... here we are!" Robin nodded. Avery's gaze excitedly turned to the farm, and the smile dropped off of her face. Weeds and grass has overgrown the fields in sections. Branches and rocks were strewn everywhere. Even grandpa's greenhouse was in shambles. Her heart sank. "What happened?"

"I know it isn't in best condition... it isn't even really in good condition. But there's good soil under all of this!" Robin said, trying to offer comfort in some small way.

Before Avery could say anything else, the door to the cabin opened, and a man walked out.

"Mayor Lewis! This is Avery. She just arrived," Robin smiled at the man as she introduced the new farmer. Lewis turned his gaze to her and offered a small wave. "Hello! It's so great to see you. It's not often we have someone move here, after all! It'll be great to have a new farmer in town," He smiled.

The three of them made some polite conversation before Lewis and Robin left the farm. Avery hauled her bags into the cabin and set them down on the floor. Everything in here reminded her of her grandfather. It looked just like it did when she was little. This wasn't going to be so bad.

She got ready for bed and curled up under the blanket. Although she knew she made the right choice, the move was still emotionally exhausting. She was in a town where she didn't know anyone, after all. The next few days were going to be a bit busy, but Avery found that she didn't really mind. It was a clean slate for and she intended to make the most of it.

Authors Note:
Hey guys! I re-wrote this from an x reader to a story with a girl named Avery! I hope you enjoy :)

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