Chapter 8

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A couple nights later, Omorose-Nawa stretched to awaken with the stars. As she turned to climb out of her sarcophagus, she was surprised to see Ahkmenrah down on one knee.
"Ahkmenrah? What are you doing?" She climbed out onto the floor, soon walking over to Abasi's sarcophagus to free him.
"Just run with it. Larry taught me how do to this." He said softly. She simply shrugged and listened to him start speaking in Egyptian,
"Omorose-Nawa, will you marry me?" She put her hands over her mouth with a quiet gasp. Her dreams just kept on coming true, shining as bright as the ring glimmering into her eyes. Eventually, she responded in the same tongue.
"Yes! Yes yes yes!" Omorose wrapped her arms around his neck as Ahkmenrah swiftly lifted her up by her waist. He held her close and chuckled as she peppered his face with endless lively kisses. Cheers erupted from the hallway as their friends appeared at the entrance of their exhibit. Teddy softly chuckled and grinned,
"Well, I'll be the first to say I believe this was a success." Lancelot nodded while clapping.
"You know normally I would say something negative right about now,-" Larry glared at Jed and he held his hands up in surrender, "but I think I'm actually starting to like it. Like my pal Octavius here once said, I dedicate this night in the name of love!" He held his fist high and proud.
"I couldn't agree more, lad." Teddy had a closed smile ear to ear along with Attila.
"So uh, I just thought of something. Who we gonna get to marry off a 4,000 year old somethin' pharaoh and his lil' sweetheart?"
"Hey you know what? I can do it."
"You? I'm sorry my liege, but while you are heroic are you definitely not holy material."
"Octavius that's not the point. Do you know how darn easy it is to become a preacher online these days? I could marry these two easy peasy!"
"Easy peasy?" Jed mumbled off to the side.
"You would do that for us?" Omorose had such an excited smile on her face. Larry smiled a little with the corner of his mouth,
"'Course I would." She suddenly hugged him. He laughed using what air he had,
"You're welcome. I'll let Dr. McPhee know of our plans and we'll go from there." Larry smiled as she let go.
"Now that we got all that settled, who's up for another game? I wanna see a rematch between Attila and Lancelot's teams!" Insisted Jed.
"You all go on ahead. We'll catch up." Said Ahkmenrah, as he and Omorose stared into each other's eyes with their faces inches apart. Some nodded as their friends left without another word. Omorose gently pulled Ahk back a few feet, giggling when seeing the growing grin on his face.
"Oh my sweet pharaoh, you are adorable." She reaches up to give a light peck on his lips. Ahk returns the affection with a longer kiss to her lips,
"And you are the most wonderful woman I could ever wish for." He offers a hand to Omorose, "Shall we?" She gladly rests her hand in his to be lead towards her beloved stallion. Abasi waited patiently for them to climb on with a few swishes of his tail. Before long the three walked out of their exhibit and into the vast museum. A few Civil War soldiers greeted them with salutes as they passed, and with smiles the couple did the same. Omorose never tired of such a variety of cultures and people all in one place, or the sound of Abasi's hooves when they touched the hallway floor. She turned around just enough to be able to see Ahkmenrah behind her. She giggled when noticing the giddy expression on his face.
"Only you could make me smile like such a fool." The pharaoh admitted with a light chuckle. Omorose widely smiled in response while softly cupping one of his cheeks.
"I'm so glad you get to stay. This place wouldn't be the same without you." She let her hand softly slide off his cheek as he smiled.
"I don't think I'd ever be able to leave you, nor would I ever want to." Ahk snuggly wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. She hummed happily while leaning back into his chest,
"Tell me, would I get to wear a crown fit for your queen?"
"My dear, you already have one." He responded with sweet sincerity.
"While that may be true, Anubis is not my king, nor my future husband." Omorose kindly argued.
"Are you no longer happy with your headdress? My father had it custom made specially for you."
"And for those intended to carry on in my place. I do love it Ahkemnrah, truly I do. I was just thinking about something more personal that says I'm yours."
"Did you already forget about the sparkling ring on your finger?" Ahk slid his hand down her arm to reach her hand wearing the jewelry, "Look closely, and you will see just how much you are mine." He helped raise her hand until she took control to bring it closer to her eyes. Omorose squinted a little just enough to see words engraved on the ring. His Dancing Tiger Lily. The message instantly melted her heart, and without hesitation she turned just enough to hug him tight. Ahkmenrah hugged in return, embracing her loving arms until she let go.
"How did you come to gain such a beautiful ring in the first place?" Omorose couldn't help but be curious.
"It was all Larry. He paid a pretty penny to get such a priceless piece for our love." Omorose-Nawa shook her head with a smile of disbelief,
"How can we ever repay him?" Ahk gave a soft chuckle,
"I do not know," his eyes drifted off to the side, "He truly is a good man." Something else then occurred to the pharaoh,
"Where would you like to wed?" He smiled as they ride Abasi past the miniature displays. Omorose fell silent for a moment as she stopped to think.
"There's so many choices, so many rooms filled with memories."
"Indeed. The main floor holds the night of our first kiss. And our exhibit, it holds treasures from our homeland." Ahkmenrah thought aloud as Omorose sighed. Though he couldn't think of an answer to his question, an idea did come to the pharaoh's mind. Soon a grin showed etched his face,
"I know what will cheer you up."

"Feelin' steady, partner?" Asked Jedidiah as Omorose situated herself on Trixie the triceratops' neck. Ahkmenrah waited eagerly next to her on Rexy's neck.
"I think so..." Omorose-Nawa nervously laughed a little.
"Are we sure this is wise?" Teddy questioned.
"Nope!" Said Jedidiah before Octavius began to countdown,
"3,2,1, charge!!!" With bellows of prehistoric calls the dinosaurs were off and down the hall with their Egyptian riders.
"It's go, you idiot. As in 3,2,1, go." Jed criticized. Octavius folded his arms and rolled his eyes,
"Says you."

Omorose and Ahkmenrah had big smiles whenever they glanced each other's way as they raced throughout the building. When approaching a corner, Rexy was going so fast he slipped and hit the wall trying to make the sudden turn. Luckily Ahkmenrah held on tight enough and stayed on despite the rest of his body leaning off to the side. As he and Rexy tried to pass Omorose they all seemed to virtually fly by the Neanderthal display, leaving the cavemen to jump around and point excitedly. This continued past many other displays and exhibits until finally the main floor was in their sights. Suddenly the dinosaurs started sliding to a stop once at the bottom of the stairs. The slick floor made it easy for Trixie and Rexy to spin a few times before hitting into the revolving entrance door. Their riders were bent over laughing,
"I can't believe how much fun that was!"
"What an adrenaline rush indeed!" Ahkmenrah agreed. Omorose laughed a bit more and climbed off Trixie, meeting Ahk back on the ground. Just as she did, something came to mind which made her bite her bottom lip with a grin. Omorose-Nawa walked up to Ahkmenrah,
"Now it's my turn for an idea of fun." She said while slowly taking his hand in hers. The dancer leads Ahk through their home towards the new lake life exhibit. When they reach the lake's edge, Omorose turns to face Ahkmenrah.
"Let's go for a swim." She bites her lip again while looking in his eyes.
"Here?" The pharaoh chuckled and glanced into the watery scene playing out behind Omorose. She giggled while taking off her headdress,
"Yes. Here," Omorose-Nawa grabs his crown and gently sets it down along with his shoulder cape and wide collar, "And now." She smiles sweetly into his eyes. Ahk huffed with a smile,
"A swim it is then." He takes her hand and runs with her into the water. They floated at first before Omorose decided to start swimming. She started dancing in the water, seeming to float in midair. Omorose-Nawa went in a full circle around Ahkmenrah before sliding her hands up his chest. The two watched her hands travel up towards his neck, stopping as their eyes met. Omorose pressed her lips on his while holding his face, legs wrapping around him. Ahkmenrah gently returned the affection as his hands held her waist, pressing his chest against hers. As much as they wanted to continue, it wasn't long until they split apart to get to the surface for air.
"Wow..." Ahk grinned while catching his breath, blatantly starring at Omorose. She giggled with a slight blush,
"That was-"
"Incredible." The pharaoh swam forward to get a bit closer to her. He lovingly gazed into her eyes and cupped her cheek with his right hand. She smiled into his eyes a moment until the fish surrounding them caught her attention. So many different shapes and colors swimming just inches away.
"There is so much of the world all in one place," Omorose keeps the smile as she watches the fish. "Our home never bores me." She glides her hands over the water's smooth surface.
"Guess that means I don't have to say I'll give you the world." Ahkmenrah chuckled. Omorose laughed a little, looking back up at him.
"You've given me so much more than that."

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