Chapter 1

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"Hey, we're here. Where's the newbie?" Larry walked in quickly with Nicky close behind.
"She's in the Egyptian exhibit, dear boy. Glad you two could make it!" The two men somewhat hugged and patted each other's backs.
"Of course Teddy, you guys mean a lot to us. When I heard word of someone new coming I wanted to make sure we would be here. Right, Nicky?" His son nodded with a half smile.
"It seems you're just in time, she's quite restless. Much like I was when I was once trapped for ages in such a stuffy place." Ahkmenrah stepped forward.
"Oh I can hardly contain my excitement!" Lancelot added.
"Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go meet the new cowpoke already!" Jed encouraged. He and Octavius climbed upon Dexter who ran alongside the others to reach the Egyptian exhibit. The large jackal statues stood on either side of the tomb at the ends. Everyone else except Larry stayed back a good distance from the screams for freedom. The former night guard cautiously pulled the pin which kept the large and beautiful sarcophagus shut, carefully sliding it off. At the feeling of nothing being on top of it, the body slowly rose from its rest. Larry saw fit to unwrap her carefully from head to neck. She became intrigued with everyone and thing she saw through her silky black veil which draped down from her Anubis-like head accessory. Ribbons and beads of gold decorated the beautifully made headdress to accompany her equally elegant dress.
"Welcome to the American Museum of Natural History, my dear! Who would you be?" Exclaimed Teddy as she climbed out. Ahkmenrah stepped forward,
"Since she hasn't been in America before, I fear she is unable to understand you. What we all speak right now is just gibberish to her ears. Her name is Omorose-Nawa, the first Dancer of the great Anubis of Egypt."
"You know this girl?" Asked Nicky.
"Indeed, for she became the dancer you see before you during the end of my father's reign and lived just long enough for the start of mine. She came into favor of the royals when my father selected Omorose-Nawa to be the first Dancer of Anubis. Perhaps too favorable..."
"What happened?" Asked Sacagawea with concern.
"Kahmunrah asked for her hand, but when she refused he locked her away in a hidden prison until she chose to marry him and him alone. And that is where her story came to an end. She was bitten by a venomous snake. When my father and I learned of her disappearance, he insisted that every inch of our lands be searched. No home or stone went unturned, but it was still too late. She was meant to pass on the legacy of dancers, teaching her dance to another so as to preserve the Dancers of Anubis for generations. Omorose died before given the chance. She was so dear to my family, my father saw fit to mummify and bury her like a queen. Since then no other woman was chosen to be the Dancer of Anubis."
"I am so sorry to hear such a story." Sacagawea frowned.
"How come I've never read of her before?" Larry asked.
"It would seem my brother did his best to erase what legacy she had."
"Tell me compadre, what exactly is a Dancer of Anubis for?" Jedidiah questioned.
"My father wished for the pharaohs to be granted a better chance at a peaceful afterlife through the watch of Anubis, as well as to show the great jackal honor. She was to dance on every pharaoh's day of birth until the time came for another to take her place. Omorose's first dance was on my 17th birthday, a gift of which I shall never forget." Ahkmenrah answered.
"Let me get this straight, her first and only dance was on your last birthday?" Octavius spoke up.
"Yikes..." Lancelot whispered with a cringe, "So, how's about we see what she looks like aye?" He smiled big, trying to brighten things up and chance the subject.
"Only a pharaoh may grant her permission to reveal herself. But, we are fortunate she is in good company." He turned and spoke in Egyptian, "Do remove your veil now great dancer."
The girl bowed, and began peeling back the veil with her left hand. It now rested behind her right shoulder to allow proper sight of her face. A strip of armor-like gold lay on the bridge of her nose and over her chin to match the gold on top of her hands.
"My, what an admirable young woman you are." Teddy smiled as Ahkmenrah gently took her hand, translating what his friend said before saying a compliment of his own.
"Omorose-Nawa, you have the beauty of a tiger lily and eyes of the finest sapphire gems. What a delight it is to finally put a face to your dance of grace." He softly pressed a kiss to the back of her hand, before speaking in English for everyone else. She smiled shyly as Teddy did the same gesture,
"Yes indeed."
"They're not wrong." Nicky mumbled. Lancelot also kissed her hand,
"Such a fair and lovely maiden." His comment made her blush when Ahk translated.
"Have you not seen her face before?" Octavius voiced his confusion.
"No, for my father never permitted her face to be shown in my presence." Ahkmenrah answered. The sound of thundering steps then started to grow louder and louder to distract the attention off Omorose. She looked around frantically until,
"Ah, I bet that's our good friend Rexy!" Teddy spoke just before the dinosaur skeleton slid to a stop at the entrance of the exhibit.
"This is Rexy, a resident here far older than any one of us. I've had the pleasure of riding him." Trixie the Triceratops wasn't far behind, sliding and knocking into Rexy. The two excitedly wagged their tails back and forth once they saw Omorose. She couldn't help but laugh a little and comment.
"Yes they are quite lively. But mark my words when I say that I am far happier to see you than them." She glanced down at the floor with a blushing smile. Ahkmenrah then gestured for her to continue walking with him. He showed her around their shared exhibit with every bit of it now reminding her of home. When she and the Anubis statues noticed each other, in unison they bowed, then rising as one. She smiled as her hand slid down the muzzle of a statue and words escaped.
"She says they already had the presence of might as they stood, and now have an even mightier spirit inside." Ahk said.
"Right, I knew that."
"Oh but of course you did." Octavius teased.
"You know, my gun may not work but I can darn well give it a purpose by knocking you upside the head." Larry rolled his eyes,
"Guys, really?"
"He's right, lads! We must introduce ourselves!" Teddy commented.
"Oh yes right, sorry about that Omorose. I'm Larry, Larry Daley. This is my son Nicky, and this is Sacagawea, Teddy Roosevelt, Attila the Hun, Jedidiah, Octavius, Dexter, and Sir Lancelot." The little monkey raised his hand up high and grinned in hello. The girl smiled at them once Ahkmenrah translated.
"Omorose says it's a pleasure to meet you all." Attila gave a comment also.
"He also thinks you are very beautiful." Ahkmenrah said happily to Omorose. She smiled with a small bow of her head to Attila.
"How about we show her around, everyone? Let her see the rest of her new home." Teddy smiled as the former night guard nodded,
"Yeah yeah, good idea." Said Larry. One of the Anubis statues kneeled down and placed a hand out to Omorose-Nawa. Ahkmenrah softly chuckled once,
"It would seem my guardians desire service towards you." The dancer carefully climbed up and made herself comfortable on the jackal's palm. He soon sat down next to her after having grabbed her helpful hand.
"I see how it is, make us all walk while they get a luxury ride from a spear-wielding statue guy." Jedidiah mumbled as the group began their walk out into the museum.
"None sense, my friend. Dexter, would you be so kind?" Octavius motioned for Dexter to come near. Their little friend then gladly waited for the equally little men to hop on onto his back. Jedidiah shouted proudly as they started moving,
"Now we're talkin', partner! Too bad he still ain't no awesome ancient jackal, though." The moment those words slipped from his mouth Dexter stopped to shake the two off his back. Now left to lay on the floor, the Roman punched Jedidiah's shoulder.
"Now was that really necessary?"
"I think it was." Octavius glanced up off to the side.

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