Chapter 3

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When the moon rose for dusk's time, Ahkmenrah awoke before Omorose. He studied her detailed sarcophagus, seeing every jewel which decorated the priceless gold. To him it was nothing compared to the beauty of life, and the joy of seeing Omorose once again. The sudden movement of the sarcophagus startled him out of his daze, focusing his eyes upon her.
"Were you comfortable?" The centuries-old dancer stretched her arms high above her head,
"As comfortable as I could be. This new bed is much to get used to."
"At least you weren't trapped in it alive for what seemed an eternity." He glanced down into his resting place then soon climbed out. The girl sighed while doing the same,
"I'm sorry, Ahkmenrah. I shouldn't complain, let alone in front of a pharaoh."
"It was not my intention to make you feel bad, Omorose-Nawa." She walked up to one of the walls, running a hand across its pictures.
"What happened to you after I was gone?" Such a topic caught the young king off guard. His eyes wondered to the same wall she stood in front of, now standing near her.
"I'm sorry to bring up what may be an unhappy tale, but I couldn't help but notice you still look the same age you were when we met so long ago on your birthday." It took him a moment, but Ahk finally replied,
"Jealousy and power filled Kahmunrah's heart until there was nothing left of the brother I once had. You were only one of his victims, I'm afraid." Omorose didn't want to believe him. The stories on the walls were true. She'd been in such disbelief before, she needed to hear him say it himself. Sadness came across her face with her instinct of kindness telling her to gently take his hands.
"We have a new life, and a new story to write for ourselves. Though the past will always be with us, we can conquer it together." The young woman smiled somewhat. He smiled a little, feeling better when looking into her soft eyes.
"It would seem we both need to take your own advice. It has not gone unnoticed your past drags you down as well."
"My first new life came and went before my very eyes. It's..hard not to think about."
"I understand. Since we are now reunited, we may now carry each other onward."
"Your brother is not here in this place as well, is he?" He could see the fear engulfing her eyes and rubbed her arms to put her at ease.
"Kahmunrah is in a place where no one shall be harmed by him ever again. Larry Daley took care of him personally during one of his many heroic quests." His smile grew just a little wider, "Come, there is something I want to show you." Ahkmenrah's idea traveled to his lips as they turned into a wide grin. He lead Omorose-Nawa by the hand to a place of the museum she had yet to see. The bright blue of the Ocean Life exhibit reminded him of the glistening sparkle seen when looking into her eyes. He let go of her hand to open up the doors and reveal a whale swimming around peacefully.
"This place is full of wonders..." Omorose spoke quietly, entranced by the large sea creature inches away. Watching Omorose-Nawa intrigued by all the exhibits made Ahkmenrah forget his pains of the past. He couldn't help but smile, knowing she was right. It was time for moving on in their lives, and he couldn't think of a better place to do just that.
"What seems to be your favorite place in this museum of wonders?"
"Oh Ahkmenrah, how could I possibly choose?" She blissfully smiled with a graceful twirl. Ahkmenrah chuckled, nodding a few times.
"I couldn't agree more," he quickly snatched her hand again and pulled her to somewhere new. The girl laughed the whole time, out of breath when they finally stopped.
"And I couldn't be more honored to welcome you to your new home." The king's free hand gestured to the vast array of museum residents on the main floor. Decorations covered the walls from top to bottom. The Anubis statues stood near the balcony, and one of them offered their hand to the Egyptians.
"After you, Dancer of Anubis." Omorose's heart swelled with emotions, suddenly hugging Ahkmenrah tightly.
"Thank you." She whispered, swiftly turning around to climb onto the nearby hand.
"My pleasure." He said to himself as he too climbed up. Teddy saw fit to greet their newest member with a smile and hand to come down,
"Welcome home, Omorose-Nawa. Your destiny awaits." She was on the verge of shedding tears of joy, especially once Ahk translated Teddy's greeting. She'd never felt so at home before until tonight. Not even when Ahkemnrah's family welcomed her into theirs.
"It was all Ahk's idea." Larry appeared next to Teddy with Nicky. Omorose did her best to hide the sniffles behind a smile. This was all so much for her to take in, a single tear streamed down her cheek.
"Alright, bring it in." Larry caved, opening his arms wide. She instantly took advantage, squeezing tighter than she ever had. She heard him start gasping for air,
"I am sorry." The girl nervously smiled after letting go. Though he didn't initially understand what she said, he got the idea regardless.
"No worries." Larry smiled through his coughing. Octavius was also choking up, refusing to cry himself.
"Oh don't be a baby." Jedidiah complained, going through the same emotions but trying to be tough.
"I say we get this celebration underway. What say you?"
"I agree with you, Teddy." Ahkmenrah smiled, and gestured for the music to start. Immediately everyone began dancing, filling the room with loud excitement.
"Will you join me?" The king offered his hand out to Omorose-Nawa, but received hesitation. She hadn't danced in years, and honestly didn't know if she could anymore. She'd lost such a spirit the day Kahmunrah locked her up.
"I know your gift still lives inside, you must free it." He spoke with a gentle look into her eyes. Omorose inhaled a deep breath, releasing it as she laid her hand in his. Ahkmenrah eagerly pulled her closer to the others and started dancing. Seeing such a noble pharaoh moving around so spontaneously made the girl laugh as she tried to join him. She could feel her moves were rusty, but continued to push on. For Ahk it was like seeing an evolution before his very eyes. He couldn't help but stop and stare with a wide smile. This was the girl he'd met on his birthday so many years ago, she was coming back more and more by the minute. Omorose-Nawa was so into her movements, her eyes closed to prevent her from knowing he was staring. Even though the song changed from Adventure of a Lifetime to Come and Get It, it was as if the song was the same. She transitioned smoothly into the new beat, matching its rhythm with ease. After watching closely, Ahkmenrah decided to synchronize with her moves. Suddenly the music stops,
"Hey new compadre! You should do your dance you did on head honcho's birthday!" Jedidiah shouted.
"But of course you don't have to. Little cowboy over here can be a bit pushy." Octavius added. Once Ahk translated, the dancer shook her head.
"I may only do so on the pharaoh's birthday." Omorose glanced up into Ahkmenrah's eyes, and he frowned.
"Please, Omorose-Nawa. You needn't stick to tradition so strictly anymore. I dearly wish to see such a unique performance once again. It is long overdue." Well that certainly changed things for her.
How can I say no to him? With a soft smile, Omorose-Nawa bowed as the song I Want You began playing. Just when anyone thought she couldn't seem more light on her feet, her dance of Anubis proved otherwise. Her feet were dancing on air, arms flowing like silk. Her blonde hair flew with her like a raven's wing, occasionally brushing Ahkmenrah's face. Larry saw fit to talk with Jed and Octavius as she danced,
"You're choosing certain songs on purpose, aren't you?"
"Well of course we are, gigantor! Ye ol' king down there needs some push, and this is the perfect way to do it!"
"You can't force them to fall in love, guys."
"Who says we're forcing it?" Octavius kept his focus on the subjects of their conversation, causing Larry to see Ahkmenrah starring at Omorose once again.
"Isn't it obvious, boy? He's fallen head over heels for this girl and needs our help to make a dad gum move!"
"Ok I admit he has that lovey dovey look in his eyes, but that doesn't mean you should rush him."
"Lawrence is right," Teddy chimed in, "You can't hurry something as delicate as love."
"You seem to be the expert on that, don't you?"
"No it's alright, my boy. I admit it took me a great deal of time to even talk to such a lovely lady like Sacagawea, but it was worth the wait."
"You see?" Larry's eyebrows rose, "Now no more helping Ahk, ok?" Jedidiah sighed while folding his arms,
"No promises, amigo."
"We will do our best, my liege." Larry grumbled,
"Fine, but I've got my eye on you two." As their normal-sized friend walked off, the cowboy watched Ahkmenrah and Omorose-Nawa. He leaned closer to Octavius,
"Somethin' tells me we ought to have another party soon."

Ahkmenrah just stood there with such a giddy grin on his face. The way she moved mesmerized him the same way it did on his birthday, all over again.
"You are madly in love with her, aren't you?" Lancelot jolted him back into real time. Luckily for him, the music overpowered that comment for Omorose.
"What is your point?"
"Ah! So you are! You did not deny it!"
"So what if I am?" Ahk's eyes drifted slowly back to the dancer dreamily, "She's a wonderful woman." His grin returned.
"Then by jove do not stop until you've won her heart, good king! I have a feeling she's becoming more drawn towards you with every passing second."
"You think so?"
"I know so! She gets that look in her eyes when she looks at you." Oh to have her in his arms, taking in the sweet scent of her soft luxurious hair. The thought brightened up his heart inside, making it pound and pound. He noticed every little detail on her as she danced. Her dress neatly flowed over the curves of her hips and down her long legs. The ribbons on her headdress flowed along with her movements. She was all he could think about. Lancelot waved his hand in front of Ahkmenrah's face to gain his attention, then chuckled.
"Yup, you are most certainly love struck, my friend."

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