Chapter 6

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"You know, you still have yet to tell me what exactly Larry has done for you all." Omorose-Nawa thought aloud, referring to times when Ahk had briefly mentioned the former night guard's adventures. The two were taking a walk in the museum, and he'd been watching the other night life until she spoke. They ambled along as if in a lush green meadow with tweeting birds and bright flowers, when really their reality was anything from Huns to faceless Civil War soldiers running about.

Ahkmenrah began with the very first night Larry came along. He explained the three previous night guards were being fired, and that they attempted to steal his tablet. It wasn't until they did that that he was finally freed of his sarcophagus because of Larry. His eyes glanced to the floor dreadfully, remembering all the nights of constant screaming prior. Then came a name Omorose would rather not ever hear. Kahmunrah was the next anti-hero who wanted his mitts on the tablet. Even though Ahk wasn't there for that adventure, Larry didn't miss telling a single detail. At first hearing his name, Omorose shuddered inside. She walked closer to Ahkmenrah, gripping his hand tightly. But the more he spoke the more she became at ease when hearing what came of Kahmunrah. He deserved to be where he is now, far away to be lingered by the pain he caused. When Ahk was about to tell the next story, Jed and Octavius eagerly shouted and ran to them.
"Hey, lovebirds! They're getting ready to play a soccer game! Ya'll wanna join or what?!" Omorose sighed for a reason unbeknownst to them, but soon smiled. Her friends quickly dismissed her reaction.
"We would love to!" Ahk replied.

It wasn't until they reached the main floor that Omorose finally said,
"You go have fun. I'll stay on the sidelines to cheer you on."
"But you've never played, my love. Are you sure you don't want to join us?" She softly pressed a kiss to his temple.
"Yes, I'm sure." Ahk hesitated at first.
"Well, alright." He gave a kiss to her cheek. Her fake smile faded as he ran off to his friends. How blinded to her sadness he was. She soon walked off, but no one noticed because of the growing excitement of the game. The dancer laced her fingers together with her eyes looking down.

She made her way back into her sarcophagus, and that's when the flood gates burst. Omorose sobbed into her hands, feeling the tears flow down her arms and cheeks. Her sadness echoed throughout, bouncing off the walls to create haunting cries which flowed into all ears. Everyone fell still and silent. That sound caused them to be downright chilled to the bone, so to speak. The soccer ball was left to roll itself a little ways across the floor. With everything quiet, the emotional turmoil seemed to be even louder the second time.
"Omorose?" Ahkmenrah whispered. He looked around frantically to see her no where around. Swiftly the pharaoh took off to find her. As he blazed by the exhibits, Ahk quickly searched in them only to come up empty. With how her voice carried in the halls, it was difficult to pinpoint where it was coming from exactly.

When she heard a sudden rush of footsteps getting closer, Omorose stumbled out of the sarcophagus. She ran as fast as she could through the watery eyes and aching heart. Ahk spotted her rounding a corner,
"Omorose!" She looked back only to dart off down the hall.
"Please, wait!" Her pace began to slow down before eventually collapsing to the hard floor. He reached her side only to be pushed away.
"I'm loving you only to lose you!" She cried, briskly wiping tears from her face.
"What...what are you talking about?"
"Lancelot told me a story the other day," she sniffled, "About how the tablet slowly started corroding away. How you, Ahkmenrah, leaned on a railing, feeling the very life being sucked out of you. But what both of you failed to mention was the fact that you don't live here anymore!"
"I-" She raised a hand to stop him as she stood up,
"I overheard you and Jedidiah last night. Not only that, but you also know where your parents are. How could you not tell me any of this?" She turned away, wrapping her arms over her chest as if cold, "I thought you loved me..." Her eyes tightly shut to hold back more tears.
"I do love you, and I've wanted to tell you. I just didn't know how to without you becoming devastated," He glances down at the sound of her muffled sobs, "But now I see that was my biggest mistake." Omorose suddenly turned around and grabbed him close, burying her face in the side of his neck.
" can't leave. At long last we are together. This is your home, our home." She spoke softly, "This is where we fell in love." He hugged her in return like it would be the last,
"It is not my decision to make..." His voice cracked at choking out those words. She pulled away while shaking her head,
"For the first time since I've known you, since I've started loving you, I don't believe you." Ahkmenrah sighed as her eyes stayed glued to the floor. With both hands he lightly places her hair behind her ears, before cradling her cheeks. She still wouldn't look at him. Gently he brings her chin over a bit and raises her head.
"You will never lose again me, Omorose-Nawa. I promise, for I would cross scorching deserts and swim raging seas just to be with you." She sniffled as her eyes seemed to smile a little. He then sighed with a tiny smile of his own,
"I won't let anyone separate us." Her sorrowful eyes teared up a bit,
"Then please don't go."
"What about my parents? I don't wish to leave you, but I just found my family again." He thought aloud.
"What if they came here to live with us?" His face lit up a bit. Ahkmenrah wished he'd thought of that sooner.
"We'll see. I'll talk to Dr. McPhee next time he's here." Ahkmenrah took both her hands in his while giving a soft kiss to her forehead.

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