Chapter 58

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FYI i only know surgical procedures through tv shows and a surgery game that i played in grade 6


I opened my eyes in the dream I have been avoiding I couldn't move I couldn't speak I could only stare where ever my head was positioned and then Dr. Falter came into my view "hello Tiberus I'm going to give you a lesson on how to preform surgery... my way " said his toneless malicious soft voice I couldn't react but he must have known what I wanted to do "you can't run or talk or your next operation will go badly." he stated  then he got out his tools "we are going to use a scalpel, clamps, this bone saw." he held up each one as he said their names "and this..." he went and got out a sledge hammer from a hidden closet he positioned my head so I could only see what he was doing he grabbed the scalpel and started explaining what he was doing "now I cut this Y shape pattern with the scalpel to expose the bone and I use the claps to keep the skin and muscle out of the way and this machine to keep the blood from obscuring my view." I wanted to get sick but my body couldn't respond as this was a induced coma he laughed as he could see it in my eyes "this is important Tiberus." he said his voice getting even more malicious than before letting me know he was toying and torturing me "next I start to cut the bone along this small fracture and I go all the way around." he stopped speaking and cut he stopped when he was a inch deep "there thats deep enough." he said "now for Big Breaka. Yes, I named my sledge hammer after Big Bertha." he said after he saw the question in my eyes then he proceeded to shatter my pelvis " now I'm  going to affix this brittle mold-able prosthetic to you." he said then after he was done "now I'm going to use too many stitches because I don't want you to fracture it too soon that would look suspicious." he dose so then he goes in my face and smiles evilly "maybe you will think this is a dream or maybe this will become a reoccurring nightmare I hope so faggot." then he closes my eyes

I wake up with a start and Anu is there "hey, hey its ok Tiberus your safe calm down please." he said then Spencer is hugging me "good afternoon Tiberus." he said lovingly I feel heat building up in my throat I sign frantically "' I need something flame retardant NOW!'" Spencer taps a band he has and in the space of 30 seconds its a full shield "a heat shield I made for firefighters it works but I'm trying to make the expansion time quicker." he said the he dropped to a knee and positioned the shield so the heat resistant part faces me and I was open my mouth a fire shoots out of it it stops " I'm sorry" I say and a wisp of fire escapes my mouth "it's ok" Spencer says "your sure?" he giggles and replies "yes I'm sure its actually pretty cool!" he says then Zolo asks "why did you collapse like that?" "sleep deprivation." I say flatly "why?" Spencer asks  I don't respond " please tell me Tiberus. " Spencer pleaded hugging me I wrapped my arms around him but didn't say anything instead I started crying into his shoulder he comforted me and once I could talk again I told him that I kept having the same nightmare every two months and I was trying to avoid it "I'll help you don't worry we'll find a way to get rid of the nightmare." He said with iron determination in his voice but also kindness and love I melted into him he transformed and laid down with me in his arms he started purring and I was lulled into a sleep with very happy dreams

Anu's POV:

After Tiberius fell asleep I went into the other room and sat in a chair with my head in my paws Zolo came over and wormed his way into my lap and I felt Pearl sit on the arm of the chair beside me " what's wrong Anu?" She asked as Zolo started purring I didn't respond I petted Zolo absentmindedly and put a wing instinctively around Pearl like I trained myself to do Zolo then said " something is wrong I can tell please tell us."

Hello my lovely readers I'm alive and the next chapter I will put out will be for my countryhumans book and that's all I have for now you know the drill stay safe and as always Stay True to You!

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