Chapter 52

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this is important for the story all of the furs racial status

all species from Europe are White

all species from Africa are Black

all species from Asia are Asian

all species from Oceania, North, Central and South America are the indigenous populations from those respective regions

Oceanic anthros are their own racial group

Zolo's POV:

Tiberus just said simply "all you need in a relationship are trust, loyalty, love and honesty. Macar and I were already on a downward path when He broke us up." I hold Anu and can tell something is wrong he had that look and he hasn't said a word. Not. One. Single. Word. he usually has one or two sentences to say never this long silence at lest before. "Anu whats wrong?" "O-oh, nothing is wrong Zolo." I was shocked he never had told me a direct lie before half truths yes but only to protect me and I think thats what he was doing now "Anu I want to help tell me." I drew out the last syllable in me and hugged him he gingerly extracted him self and gave a quick look around and I knew what was wrong he was very uncomfortable in the crowded Forks Market "we can talk in the hotel room ok?" he nodded and soon we had finished up and had made our way to the hotel on the way I talked to Anu "sorry for embarrassing you at the market." I say, ashamed. "It's ok you don't have to be sorry just the last time I was in a large crowed area I was trying to lose some scalies who were beating me up because is was tall and look the way I look. and because my species is from Africa." "Anu.... I can't relate to that but were you bugged often?" "No but-" he sighed " I was bugged for other reasons in East Furton..." but we are here. so later." that was odd he was slightly jumpy and I didn't know why so I pulled him aside and said "We are going to talk in the hotel room because your anxious and jumpy and not yourself." he gazed at me with a look that said 'help' and he nodded and we went into the main lobby Tiberus, Anu and I all waited in the lobby while Mom and Spencer paid for our rooms then this random pit bull walks up to us and Spits on the ground at Anu's feet and said " N****s don't belong here get out of here B****." Anu had to restrain me from attacking him he saw this and said "oh so all three of you are fags huh." we all knew it wasn't a question "even worse you should all-" he was interrupted by a security guard "Sir if you don't stop im going to have to ask you to leave." "Get your tainted hands off me stupid ally!" "Sir I'm just doing my job." "fine I'll go to a hotel that doesn't serve freaks God condemn you all." and with that he was gone Anu was still holding me in place I look at him and he eyes were dangerously wide "Anu it's Zolo your ok your safe." I say so only he can hear he looks at me and he comes back from the brink of a flashback I nod and then we go to the rooms once we are settled in I hear Spencer say (we got the bed they got the couch/bed thing) "Adventure Marionette why did you pack yourself?" "Marionette said you needed at lest one small Animatronic." Spencer groaned "he didn't have to." "hey, Zolo..." I look back at Anu "yes, sorry? He grabbed my arms and was checking if I had cut myself again I did but it wasn't my arms then he gently started to take off my shirt I let him and then once he saw my chest he enveloped me in a hug and said "I will help you no matter how many time it takes." I hug him back tightly and we just sit there together hugging "I don't know why I keep cutting myself I-I," my voice starts faltering "I still hate myself for some reason and I am dragging you down with me an-and-and I-I-I." my voice cracks and I once again forget how to speak and I'm reduced to a sobbing mess I cry into Anu's chest this time he is telling me "you aren't dragging me down with you that's the pressure of your accent out of depression that is trying to force you to go back down and failing you are succeeding at getting rid of your depression. Zolo you can't drag me down you had grabbed onto my arm and its not moving down its moving up towards non depression. Zolo look at me please." I look up at him my vision blurred from my tears but he gently wipes them and then I stare into his eyes and I see his bottomless pit of love that he has for me and I know that the nickname that I gave him, My Jackal Guardian, was in fact truth he would protect me from everything including myself and all I can manage out but conveyed everything I knew and understood and felt was "My Jackal Guardian." those 3 magic words said everything that needed to be said and conveyed we both hugged each other tighter and then Anu asked me "Are you going to hunt for that racist fur?" "no." I say truthfully and then we started having a discussion on how I could defend Anu if someone ever did that again and afterward we started binge watching Bones which Anu brought on disc with Spencer and Tiberus and The Canines were cuddling their respective Boyfriends and it was pure happiness and we all enjoyed it then Mom said that it was time to go to bed Anu had to carry me because I was too sleepy to get up myself and it reminded me of the first time he carried me all they way back on the third week of September and it was the third week of October tomorrow was our first month together and I kissed him and said "this reminds me of when we met happy anniversary Anu!" and then just like the first time I fell asleep except this time it was because I was tired.

Sorry for the long wait for this chapter i was having no ideas and now i am having ideas again and i will try to upload chapter im not in school so it will be longer wait time but thats for later don't catch covid-19 and if you have get well soon thats all for now so bu bye and as always stay true to you!

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