Chapter 3

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Just a warning there will be self harm in this chapter please don't reads in between the line that i will put  if you are depressed or have issues i want you to be safe so please don't read that part.

Anu's POV

After that second kiss I dragged him out of the enclosed bed and we sat and talked until Mr. Kowalachuck came back and said because of the situation we were both allowed to go home. We found out we live on the same street, so decided to ask Zolo, "Do you want to hang out at my house?" He hesitated a bit before saying "no sorry." Then I responded with "Ok then... see you tomorrow then, wait can I have you phone number?" I asked. We traded numbers and he walks silently back to his house, and I go back to mine. I'm just dropping off my things. I have heard that tone before...

It was the tone of a depressed fur calling out for help but not realizing it...

Zolo's POV

After I leave Anu, I go inside and head up to my room and I just watch some Youtube. Then...


I go and grab a Swiss army knife I bought, and go into the bathroom and start continuously saying in my head, 'he loves me, he loves me not' while slicing my arm in a different place every time I do this until my arm is so cut up I will need to wear long sleeves tomorrow.


Just as I am about to roll down my sleeves, my mom walks in to the bathroom. She sees everything, hesitates, walks over to me, and bear hugs me saying, "I know that you are gay, but that doesn't matter to me. I met that jackal you met and I'm ok with it, just please please please don't cut or otherwise harm yourself." at this point were are both crying. I ask "did he tell you?" "no you forgot to delete your history and I clicked it by accident as I was trying to to see bookmarks." suddenly there is a knock at the stairs, and my mom goes to see who it is and I hear, "Is Zolo upstairs still, Amy?" ( my mom doesn't like to be called her last name in our home and insist everyone except for me because she is my mom, call her Amy, her real name) and It's Anu. I fly down the stairs and go to meet him, I can see he has a worried look at that point. I wonder why, until I realize...

 That I forgot to put down my sleeves.

Anu's POV:

Zolo comes dashing up to me, and we hug. Then I notice the deep and light cuts on his arms. Was that his doing? Or someone else's? He notices with wide eyes and says in a small voice "I cut myself because..." he trailed off and the silence said it all. His mom said that we can hang out in his room. We go there and he sits on the bed, and so do I then I see his poster of Creature Feature.( great band by the way check them out on Spotify ) Then I remember... Daren.

Zolo's POV

Anu sees my Creature Feature poster, then he curls into a ball and starts whimpering. I call my mom and start to worry....

Sorry about the cliffhanger i just wanted to keep interest in the story also once again I apologize for my horrible grammar and spelling (y me no English)

Please continue reading as i upload i would appreciated and as of now (and always) stay true to you by by!

Editor: I don't have anything to put here this time

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