Chapter 46

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Anu's POV:
It was Saturday morning and Tiberus, Spencer and I had to be at Zolo's house at noon for a surprise but I wanted to clear something up with Spencer first I walk up to the gate and try to figure out how to let him know I'm here then the red fox with the parrot who I guess was named Rockstar Foxy because he was a fox and he had a star on his chest said " yargh ye know that ye can just walk up to the door and knock. Right? Show me a pattern so Spencer will know it's you." I tentatively knock my favorite pattern and he says " that ye can do now go and see him if ye want." I nod still confused ' he would let me walk up to the front door but what I...' my thoughts were interrupted by a yell 

"THERE HE IS WE CAN ASK HIM ABOUT DAREN!!!" I quickly did my pattern and Spencer said " in now!" I opened the door and as soon as I was through the door Spencer closed it and locked it he turned around and said " so that's your pattern, ok I will remember that. So why are you here Anu?" I just look down at my feet and try to form a answer that Spencer won't pick up everything that I feel he grabbed my paw and pulled me to the living room and pushed me down onto the couch and then sat opposite me and patiently waited for me to start talking I just started at the beginning " remember how I saved you? Well then I didn't see you until last month and then after saving you again I tried to kill you and I need to know why you still trust me. Why?" He took off his glasses and looked me in the eyes and said " you never tried to kill me I fainted from my broken tail because it's painful to heal a broken tail really painful not from lack of oxygen because you were not choking me you were keeping me from slipping and I trust you because you refused to harm me even when you were angry you never attempted to get bloody or violent but I only realized it after you tried to menace Wally when I was kidnapped not attack him menace, scare him not hurt him it takes massive amounts of will power to do that." " you don't have a shred of knowledge about how much weight you lifted off my chest! Thank you Spencer!" He just smiled and said "why would I do any different? I love helping people no matter who they are... some exceptions apply of course." We listened to a reporter yell " IT CAN'T BE THAT BAD!!!" Then a police car came up and Zolo's Dad said into a megaphone " disperse and don't bother the anthros that you have been trying to interview and by you I mean the news company not individual people!" After a few minutes Zolo's Dad gave a thumbs up and drove away " go to Zolo I still have to wake up Tiberus and help him pack." I nod and head over to my sweetheart's house

Not so long but this is important for everyone I am ending the book soon but a second book a direct sequel will be up soon after but no more spoilers so bu bye and as always stay true to you!

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