Chapter 21

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Anu's POV:

So we get outside and we see Spencer on his phone in the car and Tiberus ( just realized that I forgot to so pronunciation for his name it is pronounced tib-air-us ) was wheeling a wheelchair to Spencer's side of the car I ran up and asked "Are you hamstrung?" he shook his head and smiled sadly " no it is just bruised and strained at least that's what my doctor just told me," he shook his phone " so I'm not allowed to walk for the rest of the weekend but if it still hurts Monday I will have to take this to school... not something that I want to do for obvious reasons." then Lloyd and Alex shifted uncomfortably  and he said, "Yes it's ok to ask for your robots now, I don't mind and we can talk more in school because I don't want to talk about today until it's over so I can recap it without slamming into walls." Then Dough the dog from those nights at Rachel's and Roxy from five nights at Roxy's Pyro-Illusion came around the corner and Spencer continued and said "Doug you will stay with Alex and Roxy you will stay with Lloyd." then both Alex and Lloyd both thanked him then said goodbye and left then Tiberus went and hugged Spencer and said " we will do whatever you want tonight" "ok just and FYI I'm asexual so we won't do that... stuff" Spencer made a face as he said that. And then we said goodbye as Tiberus and Spencer went inside we walked to the end of the driveway when I see none other than my overprotective friend " Karen what are you doing?" She gave a start and dropped from the tree that she was in she hit the ground and groaned as she turned onto her back "What do you think I'm doing creeping on your boyfriend I'm making sure that he doesn't have an ulterior mot..." she got that far before Zolo had pinned her against the tree and having his claws right in her face "I don't even know why you don't trust me but creeping on me you could have just met me and learned that way but threaten me and..." his eyes went vacant then refocused "don't tamper with my mind, Deer!" he then dropped her and went on my shoulders and hissed I sighed and said "she can only read memories and she probably knows that I tried to harm someone." then I felt something violating my memories but gently and I pushed forth the memories of being manipulated but as well as being a Yandere towards Zolo 'he is my boyfriend and soulmate and I will never let anyone hurt him.' She retracts her presence from my mind and says " I still don't trust that he doesn't have an ulterior motive." I reach up to keep Zolo on my shoulder blades and he says " You try to break us up and I will get my dad to launch a full investigation on you and how often you have been following me and so many lawsuits that you will have twice the amounts of lawsuits that Fazbear Entertainment gets in a year!" then we hear popular girls saying "run run little Hufflepuff run run!" then the popular bully girls laugh we see Steph running and Zolo is off my shoulder in an instant running at Steph and once she passes him he yells "LEAVE HER ALONE OR YOU WILL BE IN FOR THE SHOCK OF YOUR LIFE!!!!!" they laughed at him until he showed them his power over any electricity by making it crackle from one paw to the other they all paled and turned tail and bolted then Karen appeared right beside Zolo and said "I trust you you are nice and protective of your friends." all of the sudden I had Zolo clinging to my chest mewling slightly he said shakily "d-don't d-do that-at." I told him " she can turn invisible that's another of her powers also telekinesis but her color is pink." And then I start comforting him by rubbing his back and he basically melted into me then I looked up and Karen was blushing furiously and Steph looked confused and asked "H-hi I'm Stephanie." then I remembered that Zolo had said that Steph was very shy and at her words, Karen's blush deepened (fyi Karen is a female deer who is pale yellow with pink accents) and I realized that Karen was smitten with Steph and then Karen said under her breath "she wouldn't want a transgender to date her..." then she realized that I heard and I thought 'I don't care but you owe me $10 for that bet we had about your antlers and their origins' she gave me a look and I knew that she had read my thoughts as I had thought that 'your predictable sometimes' another look... then Zolo stated " Steph I think she is smitten with you!" and both girls face flamed a deep red and then they started to talk quietly together and then they went in the direction of Karen's house and we waved goodbye and I told Zolo "you go to your house and I will go to mine and grab my medication and the stuff I need to stay over at your place that you have discussed with your family and had not told me until now," he shuffled from paw to paw like he was ashamed "thats ok you parents had called mine I just want to know from you before hand." then he told me " I was so excited that I forgot, sorry!"  then I hugged him and he ran to his house and I went to mine and once I had my overnight bag for my grandmother's and I was walking to Zolo's then I saw a line of news vans and then a polar bear's head popped out of one of the vans and said " there he is Anu Glitwater we want to interview you as a victim of Daren Quezzon!" then she made a go forward gesture and I started running to Zolo's house trying to not think about ... Him, but the questions were getting to me and I started to black out but I made it to Zolo's house before I blacked out and I said one name before I became senseless "Zolo!"

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