Chapter 19

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Spencer's POV:

So when we got to the hospital I could not walk with help without extream pain so I asked Marionette to pull out the leg stabilizers so I could walk around without moving my ankles and paws 'I must have been hamstrung the way they slammed it into my legs when they kidnaped me' I thought as we walked up to the front desk and the woman at the front asked pleasantly " Hi, how can I help you?" " I need to see my doctor, can you help me?" " I'll need your family name because a few doctors were fired for being discriminatory towards people of the LGBTQ community and one retired last week." "  Ashenglen." She nodded and quizzed me on the spelling as she typed it on her computer and said " Spencer right?" I nodded and she said " You have been moved to your parents doctor because yours is the one that retired." " Dr. Hurmont retired?" I asked she nodded and told me that "he had retired after some of the younger doctors told him to take his views to another hospital but he refused to work anywhere else and he did not want to work with the younger doctors he has not come out of retirement because only 3 of them had done harm and refused to diagnose a transgender fox with cancer, refused to treat a lesbian owl for tonsillitis and finally the third doctor tried to prescribe an overdose to a queer cat! Sorry for ranting but they also bullied me for being lesbian anyway Dr. Baltor's ( prounouned bal tor not bhal tor) office is room 313." We said goodbye and we went upstairs or at lest I did Tiberus  wanted to grab something for later so Funtime Freddy stayed with him and I went up to Dr. Baltor's office " I wonder if I prounounced his name wrong maybe this was the same doctor as the one who checked up on  Tiberus when he was hospitalized by the Beep Pearl as Zolo likes to call her." I told Marionette I heard his neck motors going and that he was shaking his head then he said " it's kinda obvious that you did... there I go again responding to your thought process sorry." " it's fine." I say as I take it all in stride we are waiting in the office when indeed the doctor from when Tiberus was here and the was reading a paper and looked up and did a slight double take and asked " you are Spencer correct?" "Yes and yes I am the same fur that was there when Tiberius was here." "Well your medical files say that you have ADHD, OCD, PTSD and deppresion and that you are a were cat and have powers of healing physical manifestations are a fur's emotion/emotional state and their sexuality, is this correct? I nodded and he examined my legs the ankles were on fire and became unbearable when they were touched " looks like someone slammed a silver band around your ankles I'm going to have to disinfect the skin and fur with a spray and then you will have to be in 2 boots for 3 months I can supply a weelchair if you need, also how is Tiberus doing I am really worried that we missed some shrapnel during the initial surgery... I'm being overbearing aren't I hehe sorry." " no it's fine I do it too but I don't need a wheelchair I have one and in my car but I need you to stay with me in here so my paranoia doesn't trigger my PTSD  so I can send Marionette down to get it and I then can get the boots on once he is back." " ok" and that happens we wait for Tiberus and Funtime Freddy  in the cafeteria and who else spots us but some of the cronies of Tyler and Cade and then they restrain Marionette and tear off his head and they trow the pieces at the foot of my chair and toss me out and start walking away laughing that's when I reattached Marionette's heads thanking Anubis that I had put ball joints and not an actual endo skeleton and used magnetized wires and not the traditional single don't break it wires Then Security arrests me saying that the reason is " for aiding the sex lord Qezzon" and I ask who told them that and lo and behold it was the minions of Tyler and Cade the news comes on and reveals that the beeping news station decensord the released videos and had identified me and was telling people not to bug me ( reverse physiology is what they did there) and they unziptie me and apologized for being a victim of rape and I told them very coldly " please get my wheel chair back I kinda need it." They got the week chair back missing a weel 'typical my luck just had to express how bad it is at this point in time' my positive thoughts agreed that I had bad luck and some furs are jerks but I should not dwell on it in the future. Then Tiberius runs over and says " we have (pant) to leave.    ( pant ) now lots ( pant ) of furs looking for you ( pant ) including all local( pant ) news reporters  the security guard comes over with a new wheel thank Anubis it matched and it was put on and we got out of there and pull a hand unit port (I made like 5) out of the back seat compartment and say " hand unit restrictions for entry update" " currently you and your family, anyone who is expected and your friends are allowed in" " don't let in any one expected passsed the gate only my friends and my family are allowed access to the door and if they work with the news companies they are not allowed to talk If they ask for me for any story they are to be denied and have the gate rudly shut in their face." I entered the necessary password ( I had fixed it so as to actually work and not be bad and glitchy like I game hand unit) when Tibby gave me the gift he got me it was wrapped and i told him that I would unwrap it when we were alone in the house and we arrived at my house and I had gotten out with help and said " hand unit change main stair way to ramp and ramp to stairs." And I went inside dreading as to what everyone would say...

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