Chapter 26

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Anu's POV:

So I had convinced Zolo to come to school earlier than usual and we had helped make the poster ( with all the staff and leadership groups in our school) I had gotten a call from Mr. Sliptram yesterday ( he had my number because he is a family friend ) and he told me that the staff had a meeting about how they could prevent photos that damaged students, staff and the schools reputation then as if on cue Pearl remotely uploaded the picture of Spencer and Tiberus and Mr. Kowalachuck had instantly blocked comments so no one could put negative comments and since the photo was uploaded by Pearl they couldn't delete the photo from the list but had sent a request to instagram to remove the photo from the feed and then he asked me if I would come to help with a poster to say that the school accepts everyone and doesn't exclude any anthro I had asked if I could bring Zolo and he had agreed so as we were helping with a poster I heard a familiar voice " Hi Anu!" I turned around and there was all my friends Karen, Dave, Nathan, Dom, Kelsey, Sam, Sam's twin Tom and Celina " Hi! Umm what are you doing here?" " we transferd after Mr. and Mrs. Icedune had expressed that any LGTBQ or Ally could leave the school because and I quote ' you are all basically insane because being gay or ok with it is bad.' So we all transferd here because you were here also this is the accepting school and it's closer for all of us." Zolo turns around and says " your right and it's really obvious That you have a crush on Steph, Karen just don't let Saffron tease you about it because you will hear about it for a month." She nods and helps us paint the poster while the others help make posters for the gym then we hear the doors slam open and Karen looks up and said " oh look its a Karen." We all look and this Mom has everything the haircut( she is a scalie) the sunglasses ( even though its still dark) and just the walk that screams entitled Karen walking she says " I need to speak to the Principal." Mr. Kowalachuck walks up to her with everyone watching ( and some recording) and she starts half shouting at him " I can't believe this school lets were furs into the school do you know that all were furs are criminals and they will infect anyone willingly just because they can, You should be ashamed and I demand that you expel him from the school because he will attack everyone soon enough!" She stand there tapping her foot and Mr. Kowalachuck says " we are an inclusive school and we can't expel someone because of what they might do only if it happens-" he got cut off by her reply " I can't believe you don't care about the safety of the other students you need to expel him right now!" At this point Zolo got up and started walking towards the Karen who looked like she would entitle someone to death...

So short chapter i know don't worry i will not do a day in alot of chapter again ( at lest i hope so ) so until i next update bu bye and as always stay true to you!

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