Chapter 23- Rapture

Start from the beginning

"They're harmless." I put in, "And what about you and Elijah?"

"We're amazing." She quipped rather too quickly.

I stared at her for a few seconds, noting for any glint other than the statement and implying I simply wasn't buying the deal. Not after that tensed awkward moment seconds ago.

Phoebe chipped her lips and said, "If I am going to lend you a secret, will you promise to not tell or...judge?"

"I never judge, Phoebe." I waved my hands casually, "And I am extremely, extremely good with secrets. Life-time insurance."

Instead of smiling, she blurted out, "I want to marry Elijah!"

"What?!" I sputtered on my cola, blinking at her in surprise. Of all the good grief and Apollo's patron oracles, such news was totally unexpected. My shriek made some kids run away in case a zombie came to murder them. Don't know how Gwyneth thought my voice was like a siren.

"I know! I know! It's really weird to ask him especially when his residency is still going on!" she threw up her hands in air, "But I am giving him hints and he's not...uh, understanding them!"

Okaay. That was not bargained for. Irrespective of the thoughts which roused regarding their rocky relationship- my swash was on their schedules were proving to be really bitch here. Turned out, things were really good-great in fact and Phoebe dear was making matrimonial match with my roomie. Problem here? Elijah was like living with us and...he had humungous loans which constantly bugged him that they wouldn't leave their holds until he was in mid-30s.

"You're judging." Phoebe spoke in a wounded tone.

I sighed, raising a defensive palm, "No, Phoebe. I am just thinking. It's a bit more than I anticipated."

"What do you think about it?"

"You are asking the wrong person here, Phoebe." I gently said, "Even though I am Elijah's friend, my experience in long-term relationship or any relationships are like-" I made a cutting motion, "Zero. Zip. Nada."

She leaned back against the aisle, "I don't know! I have a good job. I don't have any loans since scholarship cleared up everything and my parents though are not extremely rich...are well enough to handle a marriage. But Elijah won't like that, will he? If I run off all the costs?"

"Elijah will accept anything but charity and pity." I softly said, laying a hand on her shoulder, "His life hasn't been easy and perhaps-god forgive, won't be least until his loans are cleared. He loves you, I know. But he won't accept it."

Phoebe rubbed her head as if the thought alone was bringing forth a headache, "I am not exactly young anymore, Charlotte. I am thirty-two and my parents do except me to settle down...peacefully. Dating someone younger than you sucks sometimes."

"Hey." I smiled derisively, "Age is just a number. Have you tried talking about it directly?"

"How?!" she blew a frustrated breath, "I can't just go and say, 'Hey, darling. Let's get hitched'!"

I sipped slowly, thoughtful, "Well, while you can't tell him that. You can try being subtle about it like...tell him how much you love him and want both of you to be together for however it takes. Move on to the next stage of your relationship...ask him how he feels about this commitment and then...ask him."

"Sounds easy, doesn't it?" she dropped a tired expression, "If only saying such words were the same."

"You love him, right?" I looked at her straight in the eyes.

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