In the evening, Claire wants to go to the party. So we go to Zeke's house.

The place is already filled and smells like beer.

Parties like these are a good place to catch up with girls from other packs. Just as Claire and I finish downloading the latest gossip in Northern Woods pack from the Northern Woods girls, we start to see people turning their attention to the entrance of the house.

I stand on my toes to look at what everyone is looking at but the huge guys before me make that impossible. Claire, however, being the tall girl she is (plus the extra height from her over the top heels) can see the front clearly.

"Shit," she mutters.

"What?" I ask her.

"Hill River guys are here," she says.


I grab Claire's shoulder and start jumping up and down. I get a split-second view of the guys who had just entered the house.

There are about six or seven of them. I couldn't confirm if all of them are from Hill River. Don't need to. The two guys at the center are all I need to confirm the rest of the group's allegiance.

Claire was smart not to mention Ben and Luke specifically, in case someone heard her. She simply mentioned Hill River.

"Zeke invited them?" I ask her.

"Looks that way," she says.

Zeke is from Weslow. Although, there's no friction between Hill River and Weslow, it's not often you see kids from these packs attending each other's house parties.

In a few minutes, the commotion dies away.

"You sure we should stay?" I ask Claire.

"We came here first," she says.

"We're not fricking Columbus, Claire, voyaging for places to come first and plant a flag. This is someone else's house. It doesn't matter who leaves first."

She shakes her head, stubbornly.

"You want to see him, don't you?" I ask.

She bites her cheeks to stop herself from smiling. She gets a text. I sigh. I have a good idea who the texter is.

She gives me the puppy eyes. I groan. "Fine, leave." She heads towards the back of the house. How on earth these two keep finding secret places to meet? It's like they disappear to Narnia behind a closet.

I start my usual me-time routine and head for the snacks and drinks station. Seeing all the snacks are already gone, someone kindly directs me to the kitchen.

I duck and avoid two passionate lovemakers near the entrance of the kitchen to get in.

Inside, there's no one else. That's not a good sign. Food attracts people. No people, no food. Afraid that there's nothing to eat here, too, I hopelessly open a few cupboards. But I hit the jackpot on the fourth one. Cheetos.

I start on the packet when Zeke comes in. "Where's Claire?" he asks.

"I don't know," I tell him.

"How can you not know? You two are joined at the hip."

I shrug. "Do you see her attached to my hip now?"

He opens the fridge and takes out a beer bottle and starts drinking it.

"Is she seeing anyone?" he asks.

I shrug again. "You'll have to ask her."

He smirks. "It wasn't a hard question, Rose."

MATE AND HIS LOVER 3Where stories live. Discover now