controlled by anger.

Start from the beginning

I saw mattia turn around and leave.

he went back into his house without another word.

he was right, I was being a dick.

I shouldn't have done that.

but I just kissed that girl, well that's what I think I just did.

I was so drunk that everything was a blur.

I can't remember everything.

I remember us fighting and me drinking.

but either way my best friend fucked the girl that I loved.

that hurt the most.

I got in the car.

I just sat there thinking about what just happened.

thinking about what I did.

I couldn't go home after that.

I texted my mom that I wasn't feeling my best and that I wasn't going to be able to say goodbye.

she asked why.

I didn't want to tell her.

so I just said that it was complicated.

I was out all morning.

just driving around.

thinking about her.

and him.

it made my blood boil, the fact that they fucked.

it bothered me.

I don't know if I could say anything to her.

I decided to go to Kairis house.

I texted him and he opened the door.

and I passed by him.

I was so angry.

I started pacing around his living room.

K: alejandro what's wrong.

I ignored his question.

I yelled out of frustration.

K: ale what's wrong calm down. 
ale: I can't i lost her, she's gone.

just like that tears began to fall down on my face.

i collapsed on the couch.

K: y/n ?

I didn't say anything I just nodded my head.

I don't know why I was so upset about this.

I told kairi everything.

he helped me calm down.

he also fed me.

by this time, y/n's already back home.

I stay at kairis for a bit and then it was time to head home.

I went in the house.

my mom came up to me and asked me some questions.

I answered them dryly and then I went into my room.

I was sad.

a couple minutes later, I went into the guest room which she was sleeping in.

I saw my clothes that I gave her on the bed.

I saw the locket.

and I saw the name necklace.

it officially broke me.

I held her name necklace that was on my neck.

I immediately started crying.

I had no idea what to do.

I just cried until my head hurt.
authors notes: another sad chapter :(
make sure you follow me and the jersey party for any updates!

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