controlled by anger.

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alejandros pov:

the day that y/ln's family was leaving, I got up early.

I needed to get out of that house.

I needed to go see mattia.

I was angry.

what did he do with y/n.

I was being controlled by anger.

I got dressed quietly and left the house as fast as possible.

I got to my car and pulled out of the driveway.

I wasn't that far away from mattias house.

a couple minutes later I got to his house.

I texted him to come outside.

he then came outside.

he walked to the passenger side on my car.

M: what's up alejandro.
ale: what did you do with y/n yesterday.

he was surprised, I caught him off guard.

M: how do you know that.
ale: she told us.

there was a long pause.

it's like he was looking for an excuse.

M: nothing to took her to mcdonalds to get something to eat.
ale: don't tell me that bullshit.

did he think I was stupid.

M: im not lying.
ale: why?
M: why what?
ale: why did you take her.

he wasn't looking at me eye to eye anymore.

M: she was drunk and high.
ale: bitch tell me the truth.

he took a deep breath.

M: you want the truth alejandro. she was upset. she saw you kissing that girl and she was about to go beat her ass, and I told her not too. why BECAUSE SHE WAS DRUNK AND HIGH. I took her to mcdonalds to get the drugs out of her system. after that WE FUCKED alright.

the last words.

'we fucked' kept replaying in my head.

I got out of the car.

i was going to punch his face until he spoke.

M: go ahead, hit me. I helped her when you were being a dick.
ale: you know why i did that. I was drunk. I don't even remember how I got home.
M: well look how that turned out, you hurt her. you can't blame me when I was just trying to heal her.
ale: heal? you mean fucking her.
M: no I mean, being there when she needed me.

my clenched fist, was now weak.

it fell to my side.

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