Chapter 7

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It has been almost a week since anyone had seen Elyse, and until now they hadn't heard anything from the sorceress. Everyone was worried about their new-found friend, especially Louella who had laid restless every night, as well as Curio who had to console a distressed Emily every now and then. 

Of course, they had no choice but to continue rebuilding the houses even without Elyse. Most of them had quickly learned Elye's style and technique, although none of them can claim to be as good as her. Every time the townsmen had to pass where Elyse had fallen, they would all grew quiet and their steps would become less energetic. 

No one could blame them, except for themselves. The fact that they had been close to Elyse, yet none of them were able to save her from the fall made them blame their own. Curio took it upon himself to lift everyone's spirits up, although his was also at an all time low.

At the town, Raymond is over at Louella's house. He had been there several of times already because of his daughter, but he still can't help but admire the work that Elyse had done to Louella's house. If he was being honest, Louella's house badly needed a renovation, much like all the houses in their town, and now it looks like new again.

"You're late" Raymond heard Louella's voice when the front door flew open. A giggle came from Emily as she quickly went to hug the old lady. "Emily here saw a butterfly and wanted to follow it" Raymond explained as he was greeted by Louella with a hug, as always.

Louella just gave them a laugh and a shake of her head before leading them inside. It is the fifth day of the week, this is also the fifth time Raymond and Emily had been over at Louella's house for this week. Since the first that they came, Emily quickly fell in love with the old lady, much like she quickly took a liking to Elyse.

She would always ask her father to go with her to Louella and Raymond doesn't have the heart to say no to the sweet child, especially since these are the only times that she had been really enthusiastic in leaving the house. Of course, there are times that Raymond has to work at their farm and won't be able to come, so it would be his wife Aliesha that would come with Emily. But Louella would like it better if it would be Raymond that comes. Aliesha is a wonderful woman, but also a very strict one and Louella just prefer Raymond's playful personality than his wife's.

"Is she still asking about Elyse?" Louella asked Raymond quietly as Emily went to play in the living room, making sure that the child won't hear the woman's name.

A sigh left Raymond's mouth. "Fortunately, she hasn't been asking for her for quite some time now. It's always hard when Curio is the only one that can calm her down, especially since that man had been distant, too" he said.

"Are there any news about her?" Louella couldn't help but ask despite knowing that she asked the man the same thing yesterday.

"I wish there was" there was a frown on Raymond's face, and it was mimicked by Louella's.


"If you would like, I can ask Curio to go to the palace with me so that we can ask King Tristan about Elyse" Raymond suggested after a pregnant pause had surrounded them. "I know that man is dying to know what had happened to her"

A small, grateful smile immediately emerged from Louella's face. "That would be lovely" was all she said.

"By the way, have you been hearing the rumors, lately?" Raymond suddenly said and it took Louella less than a second to know what he was pertaining to.

"How can I not? It's all over town" she said, "I hope that you are staying safe"

Raymond nodded. "We are, what about you? You're the one near the forest. People say they've been hearing it from the woods" 

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