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A Talk With The New Girl.

As always, i'm sitting alone at a table. But don't get me wrong. I injoy being alone. It's just insulting how people talk about me because i'm a young girl that has "PTSD", and has trust issues.. They look at me like i'm a fragile vase, that needs her time alone..

God, my mother got killed by my own father! No shit i need time alone! Jeez, i've been abused since i was 5. My father is a psycho alcoholic.. I even have the scars to prove it..

Anyways.. Let's stay in the present..

As i was eating.. The transfered patient, i think her name is Maïka.. Had walked in with her plate.. I looked around for free tables that she would probably sit at. But nun were left.. She would have to sit with me, or with Tzuyu at the other table..

(Me: If you don't wanna be in the same situation as this morning with Tzuyu, than you can sit here with me. The choice is yours.)

She than looks at me. Aish.. Does she always have earphones on?..

After a few seconds, she finally sits in the chair in front of me.. We both eat in silence, until she speaks..

(Maïka: Age.?)

I look at her confused..

(Maïka: Aish. How old are you.?)

(Me: 15.)

She than looks at me a bit surprised.. Yeah i know. I'm that young. Didn't the hight give a small hint?..

(Me: You.?)

(Maïka: 16.)

I nod. And keep eating..

(Maïka: Why don't you sit with the others.? Don't you have friends.?)

(Me: So many questions.)

She doesn't say anything..

(Me: Why didn't you make any friends, huh.?)

She looks at me with a motionless face, but i could see in her eyes that there was a bit of sadness..

(Maïka: I don't want any. I've never had friends. Aspecialy not girls. I find them too annoying.)

She than speaks again..

(Maïka: You didn't answer me when i asked you the question.)

(Me: You're right. I didn't answer. And maby i don't want to. But sometimes it's better to let people know the reason.)

I than look down with a motionless expression..

(Me: I don't need any. It's already enough that i don't trust anyone in this building. I'm not gonna be blind, and make fake friends. This is a madhouse. Not college. It's far from being college)

We both keep eating until i ask this question that kept bothering..

(Me: What happened for you to automatically be transferred to the second floor.?)

She looks at me, and starts speaking..

(Maïka: I've been automatically transferred here because i have anxiety disorder... It includes panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorders and phobias but my obsessive-compulsive side is low...)

She stops a few seconds, and continues..

(Maïka: Anyways.. Why are you here.?)

(Me: I suffer from "PTSD" disorder. Wich is a mental health that is triggered by a terrifying event, either experiencing it, or witnessing it. The symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event.. I also suffer from trust issues.)

(Maïka: What happened to you.?)

(Me: That is none of your business. Just a small tip. Don't ask why people are in here, or what their diseases are. It's just a way to get haters in that situation.)

(Maïka: But you asked me. And i asked you.)

(Me: I asked you, because you seemed to need to talk about it a little. I told you my reason, because i have no pity for my own life. I don't care what people think, i am from one stunt away from getting transfered on the third floor. I'm practically a psycho like my father.)

(Maïka: You are 15. They have to let some stunts pass because of whatever you suffer from. And you are not a psycho. Not if i look at you. They can't just throw you into a cage because you can't work on your problems. Your a 15 year old girl. It's for sure hard to take care of your disorders.)

(Me: I may look helpless and weak. But one way or another, i'm just like my father.)

(Maïka: Aish... Let's just change the subject. What did you like to do before you got here.?)

(Me: A lot of things. I loved my bed. I loved read. I loved to relax in the shade and talk on the phone with my only friend. And i loved music. I can't remember when's the last time i listened to music.)

(Maïka: So, you've been here for a while?)

(Me: 4 months.)

(Maïka: That's a while. Have you ever been shown what the third floor looked like?)

(Me: It's horrible up there. Chains, locks. It's like a prison, but even worse. The rooms, are cold. White, and empty. One bed, nothing else. The genders don't care, everyone is just in a room alone. There are no sections that seperate the girls, and boys.)

(Maïka: It must be horrible.)

(Me: Yeah. Dr. Kim, also told me that there was a second patient my age, that is on the third floor. He also has "PTSD", but knstead he suffers from anger issues. So i'm really one stunt away from getting thrown in a white room.)

I see her nod as she processes my words and we keep eating..

(Maïka: Can, i ask you something, about yesterday.?)

I look at her, and answer her..

(Me: Ehm.. Yeah. Ask.)

She than starts speaking..

(Maïka: Yesterday. In the library. The 2 guys. What did they say, to get a mad expression on your face? I couldn't hear, i had my earphones on.)

(Me: Why do you wanna know?)

(Maïka: It just looked like it really insulted you. So i was wandering what they said.)

(Me: They did not insult me, but the poeple on the third floor. Jimin. The small one. He said "Hey! Don't ignore us! That is disrespectful! I always knew the people on the second floor had no respect!! Good thing the third floor is off limits for the two lower floors! Could you imagin what they would be capable of instead of disrespect!?".. It really insulted me, because as you know, i'm not far from being one of those people on the third floor.)

(Maïka: You shouldn't listen to those no brainers. The people on the third floor, are not any different, their problems are just more severe.)

(Me: I know that. It's kind of hard not to listen if they're right in my face. And i owe then respect, they are elders to me in this building. Everyone is. I just don't have any relationships with anh of them.)

(Maïka: How old are those guys?)

(Me: 17. They also have a friend on the third floor that is 18. But for some reasons, it bothers me how they spoke about the third floor, yesterday, knowing that they have a friend on that floor. There are also possibilities that they are friends with the 15 year old boy.)

(Maïka: It's surprising how people can just make friends in this building.)

(Me: Well, people take it like college here. It's not any different, the people just have disorders, and issues.)

As we finished eating, we spoke about a bunch of more stuff, and sometimes, most of the conversations got a small smile on our faces..


As the bell rang, people left the cafeteria, and since we did not have our last class for the next hour, Maïka left to the library, and i left to my room to sleep a little..

And don't judge.. Sleep is my first love. And it will forever be, my first love..

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