Chapter Seven Jules

Start from the beginning

    "This one is-, she is-," He stutters, unable to get the words out but I no longer hear him wanting to throttle her. She ruins things, ruins everything. I pinch her arm and she makes a whimpering sound low, cowering away from me.

     "Diana, have I never taught you some respect!" I say the confusion in my brain firing until I hold my cold hands to my forehead. I reach out to grab her and really hurt her, but she is out of my reach.

     "Don't cry, Dear. Everything is okay." He says to her sitting her on his lap and wiping the two tears she let fall with his handkerchief. His eyes, if they could, would be sparkling and glittering. Beyond my confusion, I can detect very little, but I know Brooklyn, my beauty, and my love is lost to this man.

     "Now what did the little peacock want?" He asks, making her giggle instead of cry as he remarks on the colors of her dress. She dresses averagely. Her clothes bigger, but even still in every pageant, she either gets second or she is first. The judges see her as a goddess, no matter what I do to make my Brooklyn shine. She ruins it all.

     "They are giving out the crowns and I wanted Brooklyn to get them with me, but she is with her coach," Diana says a wide smile on her face and he is melting. And why should not he, I might be the tarnished one. But she is something neither of us can touch. She is what the real men that will not even spit on me covet.

    "Where is your coach, Love?" He asks and she giggles as if his idea is crazy.

    "I don't have one." She at four is clear and concise. When Brooklyn was baby-talking and mumbling Diana's intelligence was remarkable. It made her everything Brooklyn could not even hope to be.

    "Why not?" He asks, seeming to not believe his eyes. As if every word she grants him is precious.

    Her lips pout in thought, and her eyes slide to me wanting to say the truth but not wanting my wrath.

    "I am good... I do not need one." She says then smiles at him, hurt swimming in her face.

    "I'm sure you are." He says and reluctantly sets her down.

     "I have to go." She says, glancing at me, always looking to see if she pleased me. But I am not as foolish as he, I do not fall for her act, she is my ruin. A selfish little bitch.

    "Okay, you keep your head up." He tells her and gives her a true smile; one he never gave me or mine.

    "Yes, Sir." She says and near skips away happily. I watch her with a smile hiding a snarl.

    "She is perfect and smart too. How did she get saddled with you as her mother?" He says the kindness is gone and replaced with that rich disgust.

    "She is mine, born of my body. She is just as unworthy as I am." I retort going to speak about Brooklyn redirecting his focus, but he chuckles. Then shakes his head at me.

    "Jessica, your little Beta girl is nothing compared to her. Yes, she is pretty and attracts a crowd. But she is only a Beta. She will be promised to another Beta male, birth workers for the Elite, and soon that outside beauty will no longer be." He says, chuckling again and I battle the urge to hurt him, to really rip him apart. She was gorgeous before Diana, but now she is only pretty. He does not give me a chance just drives his point harder.

    "But Diana, Diana is valuable. She is a secret one that you have coveted richly. But I guess it is because you hate her so much. Because she is what you'll never be again." He says, and I draw back, feeling the burn of his words.

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