"What have you done now?" My mother whisper-yelled

"Just a tiny misunderstanding between us father-daughter... nothing new" my father's russian accent sighed

"I hope what you said was all the truth, or I sure will—"

Shaking my head I huffed when I was out of hearing range of their childish bickerings

Heading west leading to yet another marbled staircase to the third floor where his bedroom is located

Remind me to ask mama about having a fucking elevator in this house

I notice the door that used to be white with a batman logo is now replaced by a post that had a 'keep out' scribbled into it messily with black marker

He liked that logo

Frowning I knocked on the door since it was locked and heard someone shout

"Go away." He croaked out behind the door so quietly that I almost didn't heard it and pressed my ear on the door "tell mama..Non voglio mangiare.." he whispered

Gulping down my voice I pull out the spare key Sandra gave me earlier

Opening the door quietly my eyes widen at the newly renovated room... the once green and brown jungle like room that was filled with large stuffed animals and action figures was now removed

All the toys are gone, the wall was changed into dark blue with no more animal and forest like stickers, neat white tiled floor that was once fully covered with a large brown carpet and a fake tiger's skin, the ceiling is painted white that was once a baby blue with some hanging white artificial clouds and sun, even his large tree house that was once placed across his bed is missing and the full windows left bare though he never liked the view of the city outside

I felt my eyes glazed, my body slumping forward and my jaw clench as I kept my tears at bay

"I said I don't want—"

I snap my head at the now seated up Xavien who's eyes widen at the sight of me gaping at his room

"Babi..." I whispered biting the inside of my bottom lip and placing the tray on a nearby furniture as he simply stared at me disbelief written across his sad darkened grey eyes

I can't believe the amount of hollowness and sadness his features displayed

Its too much for a kid to go through

Too much

Releasing a loud cry he jumped out of his bed and almost tackling me down as his limbs latched onto me like a monkey

"Lily..." he sobbed on to my chest clutching my black button up on his fist as his tears soked through "I-I.. you came b-back?." He sobbed uncontrolably

Sitting down on the cold floor I hug him back just as tightly my own tears much more controlled as I breathed his sweet cotton candy scent

"Hey babi..." I whispered huskily pressing a hard kiss ontop his head as he started to cry out very loudly into me "I'm here... I'm sorry—I'm so sorry Vien." I murmured kissing his temple multiple times and clutching him to me once more

"You l-left aga" hiccup "gain... y-you s-aid y-you won't l-leave me an—anym-more" he managed to croak out between sobs making my guilt increase ten fold

God why did he have to suffer like this?

"I know... I'm sorry babi—" I shakily breathed, pulling away slightly to cup his face and stare at his big teary grey eyes that seed to darkened "I'm so sorry for lying to you—"

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