matchmaker matt [sweden x reader]

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lmao ur gilbos sis in this


"Matt, I am 45.3% sure that that is your worst idea ever."

"No, the idea of putting them in a cardboard box and mailing them to China was."

"Oh, right."

Matthias and Gilbert laughed as they brainstormed ways to get (f/n), Gilbert's sister, and Berwald together. It was obvious that there was something there, and since Gilbert actually trusted Ber, it seemed like a good idea.
Unlike Matthias's second plan of locking them underground, Gilbert actually had some inkling of what to do for once.
"Okay Matt, since your ideas are so unawesome, we're going with my plan." Matthias rolled his blue eyes, but looked at the albino.
"Okay, I'm listening."
Before Gilbert could get his idea out, Katta walked up, an eyebrow raised.
"Playing matchmaker? Very manly." Gilbert reddened alongside Matthias.
"It is the most awesome, manly thing in the world, frau! Don't forget it!" She eyed him quizzically, but settled on an armchair across from the couches they sat on.
". . . Anyways, let's hear your idea then, Gilbert."
"Glad you asked!" He grinned and continued. "We have to tell them, that we're all going to dinner. But, then nobody goes but them! Then hopefully Berwald will ask her out."
Matthias cheered.
"Sounds great! Let's do it"
Katta looked thoughtful.
"I'm impressed, Gil. There's just a flaw. Dinner is too cliche. It has to be a moonlit picnic or something unique like that, you know how (f/n) can be." Gilbert opened his mouth, but the young girl held up a finger to effectively shush him.
"Also, Berwald's so shy. How can you guarantee that he'll ask her to be his girlfriend?"
Matthias nodded. "Good point, little sis!" Katta rolled her eyes and got up to leave.
"Well I'm going to visit (f/n). See you, brother, brother's friend." She said, nodding at each respectively, and leaving almost elegantly.
The pair shrugged and went back to brainstorming.


It was set, Berwald had recived an anonymous text to go to the lake behind his house, where Tino had kindly left a basket of food and candles. Katta told (f/n) to come with her that evening at 5:00 for a bonfire with the other Nordics, and Berwald was there at 4:45 to surprise her in his own way.


When the Swede saw the basket, he was confused, but still began to set it up mechanically.
As 5 rolled around, Katta led an unknowing (f/n) to the woods, where she was not-so-subtly ditched.
The (h/c) wandered through the darkening forest, finally coming out into the lakefront, and almost toppling into Berwald who stood, hint of a smile on his face.
"Ber. . .?"
The two stared at each other, and wordlessly Berwald took her mitten-clad hands, wrapping them in his own. Her eyes fluttered closed and she blushed, as the two leaned in for a sweet kiss, illuminated by the rising moon over the lake.
The pair broke apart, Berwald smiling a little. He led the girl over to where the blanket was lain invitingly, candles placed around, the soft glow lighting in Berwald's beautiful blue eyes.
As they sat down, a comfortable silence falling over them, with only the moon's white contours gleaming to see them.


short and fluffy ayy
enjoy sweden that cutie
haha so i've written for almost all of the nordics. . .

so yeah
i will be finishing up my iceland request pretty soon-

xx distant

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