crazy things [prussia x reader]

589 28 10

The night was calm, your window cracked open to let breeze flow into your quiet room.
You were immersed in sleep, breathing slow and even, rolled up in blankets peacefully. Next to you lay Gilbert, your boyfriend, red eyes wide open and staring at the darkened ceiling.
He rolled over, trying not to wake you up as he checked the time on his cellphone. 1:07 am.
Unfortunately, he had been awake since 10:00 pm, having drank an energy drink accidentally.
Gilbert sighed, resting a hand over his eyes.
That idea wasn't as awesome as I though it would be, was it.


"Hey, [f/n]?"
You mumbled something into your pillow, shifting in your sleep.
"Hey, wake up cutie."
Sleepily opening one eye, you grumbled,
"What time is it, Gil?"
"Uh, 1:20?"
Your eyes flew open in surprise, your tired brain not taking in your surroundings.
"In the afternoon?"
The Prussian laughed nervously.
"In the morning."
You groaned, having known Gilbert long enough to know this was rather standard behaviour.
"And you woke me up why?"
"Ah, well I'm hungry."
"You're a big boy, you can cook for yourself."
He smiled wider now.
"I want to go to 7-11! And you should come too!"
You sighed.
"No, Gil."
"Please?" He begged, making puppy-dog eyes and sticking out his lower lip. "I'll buy everything!" He wheedled, wrapping you up in a hug.
"Fine. Give me a second to put some clothes on."
Gilbert smirked.
"Can I watch?"


Still bleary-eyed, you and Gilbert arrived at the brightly-lit shop about 15 minutes later.
You pushed open the door, inhaling that weird convenience-store smell, the bell on the door tinkling with the movement.
"I'm getting a slushy. Want one?" Gilbert told you, wandering off. You merely nodded in confirmation, poring over the selection of donuts.
The bored employee at the registered barely blinked at the sight of you two, apparently 2 am 7-11 runs were a normal thing.

Selecting a few donuts, Gilbert bounded up to you with two plastic cups in his hands, both filled with electric blue. It was both your favourite flavour, and you got it every time you visited a 7-11. With a laugh, you handed him the donuts to go pay.


There were a lot of random things you had done with Gilbert, from graffitiing one of the rooms in your shared house to buying a iguana that you had named Theodore, but sitting in a parking lot at 2 in the morning eating donuts definitely was up there on the list.
"You know this isn't going to help you sleep better, right?"
Gilbert shrugged.
"I got to spend time with you, sleep is for the weak!"
You smiled, leaning on his shoulder.
He wrapped an arm around your frame, brushing his lips on the top of your head.
"Love ya, [f/n]" He said cheesily.
"You too, Gil."


trash trash all i see is trash
if you could check out "A Way To Say Goodbye" i will love u forever
lmao im sorry for advertising it so much just like u know how it goes m8

xx croissant
wait what

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