our own house [canada x reader]

589 20 17

we built our own house, 

own house,

with our hands over our hearts

With a cheer, you tossed down the dripping paintbrush, the now-blue bristles swiping paint over the grass, but you paid it no mind. You climbed down the wobbly rope ladder, and stepping back to gaze at your handiwork, a grin washed over your paint-streaked face. As you looked over at your best friend, Matthew Williams, his expression matched yours. 

After an entire month of your summer spent working on the treehouse, you were finally done. Still smiling, you looked to Matthew, hand held up for a high-five. He returned it, saying nothing but picking up a clean paintbrush, dipping it in the can of black paint, and swiftly ascending the ladder. With one hand on the rope, he swiped the brush over a dry section over the entrance to the treehouse. You craned your neck to see, but he blocked it from your view, smiling and chiding you for being impatient. You only pouted, flopping onto the grass. 

"Alright, done!" 

Across the top of the wood, in rather drippy letters, read "Matt and [nickname]'s Treehouse". Underneath that, in smaller script it said "keep out if you're not us" 

You giggled happily and tackled him in a hug, smearing paint across your cheek as you then both gazed up at the treehouse. 

"I wonder what high school's gonna be like?" 

and we swore on that day, 

that it would never fall apart


"Hey, [f/n]!" You turned to see Alfred, Matthew's brother, grinning at you. You returned his smile as he fell into step beside you. 

"Hi, Alfred. How's it going?" 

"Great! So you know about that crazy treehouse you and Mattie made the summer before high school?" You stopped dead in the middle of the hallway, nearly getting trampled by a group of football players, but Alfred dragged you out of the way. 

"The. . . treehouse? God, I haven't thought about it in years." You let your mind drift back to ninth grade, when the treehouse had been you and Matthew's sanctuary, heading there after school every day. Sometimes Alfred would join you, but it was usually just the two of you. You never went there anymore, now being seniors in high school. 

"Yeah, so our dad wants to know if it's okay to tear it down? Since we're all leaving to college and all." 

The bell rang, but you didn't care, as you felt sick to your stomach. Just like you had left the treehouse visits back in the past, you had grown apart from Matthew as well. 

"H-have you told Matt?" 

"Yeah, he's okay with it." Those words were like a punch in the stomach. "Well I'll catch you later, [f/n]!" 

You only dragged yourself to your next class, his words floated in your mind, and the more you thought about it the worse it was. 

  He's okay with it.

You knew he had been sad when you joined the volleyball team and made new friends, but you had always kept Matt by your side. 

Hadn't you? 

Your mind worked more frantically now. Oh, god. I totally ditched him, didn't I? And now the treehouse is going to be torn down. I shouldn't even be sad about this? It's just a treehouse!

But you knew it wasn't that. The treehouse was practically the last memory you had with him. You couldn't bear to lose that. 

seems like yesterday,

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