"Jesus" I hissed, gripping her hips to push her forward, but she seemed to be having none of it, she turned around, her arm lazily wound around my neck, throwing her leg over me and again... unintentionally rubbing up against me
"Bloss" I tried, shaking her slightly, she groaned and held me tighter.

"Bloss baby" I said again, this time her eyes fluttered open.
She took a moment to wake up, but when her eyes landed on me she smiled lazily
"Morning" She mumbled, snuggling into my neck
"Morning" I said, my voice definitely strained.

"I'm gonna go have a shower" she said quietly, her lips brushing against my neck with every word, making me shiver slightly at the sensation
My situation was not getting any better and the thought of her in the shower was not helping
"Want me to join you baby?" I asked huskily, pulling her on top of me.

She was more straddling me, sitting up as her gorgeous eyes looked down into mine
"Oh uh... n-no I mean I just- I don't..." She stumbled over her words nervously, making me chuckle at her as I grabbed her hips softly
"Hey it's alright I was joking... mostly" I said, sitting up and kissing her forehead.

I laid in bed while she showered, looking around at her room.
I felt bad that she had to move, but at the same time I couldn't bare the thought of her being away from me.

When she was done she came out in a pair of black shorts and a blue tank top, leaving most of her skin bare to me.
And making Kade growl in my head at the sight of her being so exposed
I got up, grabbing a hoodie from my bag.

"What's that for?" She asked as I held it out for her
"Put it on" I said, causing her to giggle
"But is boiling, and we're just packing all day, no one's going to see me" she laughed
"On... Please" I added, she sighed and did so, making my wolf a bit more at ease that she was now covered in our scent.

We spent most of the day packing, in a few hours her room looked scarce.
Then two of her friends arrived... Quinn and Micah.
I tensed at the presence of Micah, I know he's only her friend but I don't want him anywhere near her.

"Nearly done?" Quinn asked, making Blossom nod
"Yeah... just gotta take the last of the boxes down to the car" she said happily.

Blossom's POV

When I had said all my goodbyes, me and Sin set off for his pack.
It was sad to say goodbye to everyone, not waking up to the pack anymore, not living with my sister.
But I would still see her as well as Quinn and Micah at school and the weekends.

And I could visit Warren and Mags.
It was just nerve wrecking thinking of living in another pack
Being an actual Luna, I always thought I would be mated to a beta... maybe even a gamma.
Yes I had alpha blood in me but I wasn't a born Alpha, I was moderately good at fighting but not enough to be an entire pack's Luna.

When the car came to a stop I came back to reality, seeing a huge house in front of us, which I'm assuming is his pack house.

"Welcome home" he said happily, opening my door for me to get out, I couldn't help but smile at him, it had barely been twenty four hours but he made me feel so at ease. At peace.
Peace that was shattered as I was greeted with his family at the door.

I've never met a boy's family before.

"Oh my god Sin she's beautiful" a woman I'm assuming was his mother hugged me, squeezing the life out of me
"Mum... put her down before you suffocate her" Sin sighed.

"Oh but she's just so precious... look at her" she gushed over me, making Sin chuckle
"Hi... I'm Blossom" I smiled shyly
"I'm Sophie... this is Alexander" she greeted, finally letting me breathe again as she grabbed the man's arm.

So this is Sin's father
The Alpha King
"Nice to finally meet you" he greeted, it was a pleasant conversation but that didn't stop Sin winding his arm around my waist and pulling me into his side
Territorial Alphas.

"And I'm Toby" a younger boy introduced himself, grabbing my hand and placing a kiss on the back of it
"I'm the handsome brother" he added, quickly being shoved away by Sin with a slight growl.

"Mine" he said harshly, making me giggle
"Calm down... no need to be threatened by my masculinity" Toby said with hands up in surrender as he backed away to the staircase.

"Oh I can't believe you found her so quickly darling" Sophie squealed
"Are you settled in yet?" She asked
"No... we're heading to the house now" Sin answered, pulling me to the doorway.

"Okay... well I want you both here for family dinner tomorrow night" she shouted
Why tomorrow?
So we get time with mate tonight.
I smiled at Kore's thinking.

A night alone with Sin again
Lord give me strength to cope.

A night alone with Sin again Lord give me strength to cope

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