Chapter 1 Feeling unusual

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Dear diary

I woke up early today, mainly cause I couldn't sleep last night.

Have you ever felt an unusual sinister feeling? It is bad you know it yet you look forward to it?
It's like something is gonna happen, something dangerous but still, you want to be the moth to the flame.

That's how I'm feeling today.

The night has always been dark but last night, there was this absolute serene darkness of a promise lingering in the air like a warning. It was too calm yet dreadful and silent like just before a storm, the storm which somehow I welcome.

Guess I just have to find out what awaits next.

"Faith! Stop writing now and leave for school or you'll get late." My mom called from downstairs.

School....oh shit

I shot up from my bed and grabbed my jacket and bag, and dashed down the stairs. I looked at my wristwatch and realized I was indeed late by 5 min.

Despite getting up early how did I miraculously end up being late?

Now that's my talent.

Well, I woke up early but forgot to get up from my bed. I was just laying there with my eyes wide open but too lazy to move. When I did get up it was late than usual. But I know I'm not the only one who does that.

"Here eat a toast and have some juice. I don't want you to faint because of weakness." My mom said

"You always hope the best for me, don't you?" I said sarcastically

She chucked slightly handing me over the juice.

I took a few sips hurriedly, then grabbed a toast to eat on the way.

"Thanks,  mom, love you, bye"

I hugged her and started walking to my car while my mom followed me out reciting the thing she has been saying every damm day for years.

"Don't talk to strangers, don't take anything from them. Call me if you feel unwell. Drive carefully and—"

I cut her off as I shut my car door and drove off to school.

I know I'm so gonna get for this one later, but seriously 'don't talk to strangers. What am I? Five!?


I reached school on time. It takes about 20 min to get to school but I made it in 15 and a speeding ticket.
I would have made it in 10 min if the cop hadn't wasted my time.

But I'm not complaining. Cops over angry teachers any day.
My school teachers are scary. You don't wanna mess with them. Even though they are all fine with me but still I can't take risks.

I parked my car and walked over to my first class.

As soon as I entered my class I was greeted by the screeching voice of my two best friends.
Jane and Jordon.


"Stop copying me"
"Stop copying me"

"I said stop it"
"I said stop it"

And they're twins and of course, annoy the hell out of me.

They started bickering loudly and gained the attention of more and more students who were looking at me with curiosity, probably thinking why she's with them, while some with sympathy, probably for putting up with them.

But I know how to stop them. Emotional blackmail.

"CHOCOLATE" I yelled at them.

And as expected, they stopped bickering immediately.

"Sorry" they whined together as they gave me puppy eyes.

Chocolate is a code word, a threat.
It's the name of my pitbull dog I rescued months back. She has deep chocolate-colored eyes hence named chocolate.
It's hard to believe people wouldn't go near her because they were scared as she was ferocious, yeah an oh so ferocious dog, who can kill you with constant licks and cuddles.
Her name is a threat which is a code word for, "keep fighting and say goodbye to seeing chocolate for a month".

Jordan and Jane are suckers for her, they act like I've given them death sentence when I say that.

I mean it does make sense though, I can't imagine not seeing her for a month. It's painful.

"Please! sorry"
"Please! sorry"

They looked at each other and narrowed their eyes, probably wanting to fight again but stopped as I said my next words with a glare on my face.

"I'll make sure you don't see her for the whole year"

They gulped as their eyes widened and shook their heads, might I add in sync.

I smiled sweetly at them as I started walking to my seat with twins following me dumbfounded.

"So what's new ?" I asked as I sat on my seat.


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