Michael: It’s 3:30 AM when your phone chimes with a text from Michael. Assuming he forgot about the time difference, you roll back over without opening it, deciding you’ll answer in a few hours when you wake up fully. However, after two more incoming texts, you give up, picking up your phone to see what Michael wants. 

M - “Merry Christmas!” 

M - “Answer meee :(“ 

M - “I have a surprise for you!” 

Just as you go to respond, you receive a fourth text.

M - "Guess where I am!!" 

"Hell?" you quickly type out, ready to set your phone down and go back to sleep. You’re already rolling back over when three more texts come in.

M - Ha. Ha. You’re so funny -_-“ 

M - “It does kind of feel like Hell in here though..”

M - “Why do you keep your house so warm?”

Not in the mood to play your boyfriend’s game, you simply respond, "What are you talking about..?"

M - “Don’t you know how expensive it is to keep your heat running?”

M - “I’m gonna turn it down. You’re welcome ;)”

Utterly confused now, you respond, "Are you in my house??"

M - “You tell me”

Along with Michael’s text comes a selfie of him taken down by your Christmas tree. You hop out of bed, now entirely awake, and you rush down the stairs to see Michael standing with a bow on his head in front of your tree. “Merry Christmas,” he greets you with a smile. “Michael!” you squeal, rushing toward your boyfriend you hadn’t seen for a month and wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. “I missed you,” you sigh, not ever wanting to let go. “I missed you, too,” Michael replies as he squeezes you in a hug. You kiss him, pulling him closer and hoping you’ll never have to part. “Merry Christmas,” he sighs into your mouth. “Merry Christmas,” you respond without thinking. “Wait,” you say after a minute of kissing, “I though you were spending Christmas with your family.”  ”I wanted to surprise you,” he responds casually. “Have you been down here long?” you ask. “I got in last night, actually,” he tells you, laughing at your shocked expression. “Why didn’t you stay here?” you ask, confused. “I wanted to surprise you on Christmas!” he explains with a laugh. “We could’ve had longer together,” you point out, pouting. “Well, I had some things to do before I came over,” he says simply. “Like what?” you ask, not knowing what he would possibly need to do here. “Like buy this bow,” he jokes, gesturing to the bow resting on his head. “How long does it take to buy a bow?” you laugh. “I had to get the right one!” he defends, laughing all the same. “It is a nice bow,” you agree, “but is that all you had to do?” “No, don’t be silly. I got you a bow, too,” Michael says, pulling a bow out of his pocket and sticking it to your hair. “Thanks, Michael,” you chuckle, rolling your eyes. “You look cute,” he laughs, grabbing your hands in his and pulling you in for a quick kiss. “So you came over hours after you got into town because you had to buy bows?” you ask, determined to get to the bottom of his late arrival. “I had to talk to your dad, too,” Michael mentions quietly. “My dad?” you repeat, confused. He nods, relishing every moment of your complete confusion. “Why would you have to talk to my dad?” you ask, unable to understand. “Well, I had to get his permission, of course,” Michael says as if it is obvious. “His permission?” you repeat, still not putting two and two together. “To marry you,” Michael responds quietly. “Are you serious?” you respond, your mind unable to work clearly. Michael nods, his heart pounding even faster than yours. “Are you serious?” you ask again. “I love you,” Michael tells you, “I loved you from the very beginning.” “Oh, Michael,” you whisper in shock, covering your mouth with your hands. Michael lets out a watery laugh and quickly wipes a tear from his cheek. “Great, I’m crying,” he mutters, making you laugh. “Um, where was I?” he asks distractedly. “Oh, right, I love you and I always have,” he reiterates, “I knew right away I was going to marry you, even though I didn’t want to admit it. You’re an amazing woman. You’re funny, smart and kind to everyone, and I’ll never understand how you do that.” You laugh and Michael does, too, shaking his head at how emotional he’s getting before continuing. “You understand me, you listen, you’re always there for me,” he ticks off your great qualities with ease, “And spending any second of the rest of my life without certainty that you’re mine would be such a waste.” Michael pulls a ring from his pocket and drops to his knee, smiling up at you and shaking all over. “Y/n, will you marry me?” “Yes, yes, yes,” you breathe out, dropping to your knees and hugging Michael tightly. His strong arms wrap around you and he murmurs something about being so nervous he nearly peed himself, but you aren’t really listening. You’re holding dearly to the love of your life and drawing shaky breaths as he rubs your back. “I love you,” you whisper finally. “I sure hope so since we’re getting married,” he jokes before kissing you.

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