"I didn't know that you could cook Phi."

"Well... I don't. It took me many tries just to make it almost perfect. My garbage bins are proof. I hope you like it Nong." Mew laughed and remembered how he tried to practice mastering this specific dish for a week. A lot of pork has been wasted and thrown since they're not edible and is burnt like it was cooked in hell.

"Of course I would like it Phi. You put in a lot of effort into cooking this."

They ate in comfortable silence while stealing glances at each other. They both felt like home, and nothing could be compared to what they're feeling. After they ate, Mew took out the mini cakes that he baked, and gave it to his lover.

"You also bake Phi?"

"I can't. I hope it takes good though. I baked it using my heart." Mew proudly said, but deep down he was scared that it'll taste bad. It be like that sometimes.

"Ew Phi."

"I mean, not literally." Mew pouted and fake sulked, but Gulf seems not to notice it. Gulf gladly ate the cake, and it tasted amazing. He would eat it everyday if he can.

While Gulf was happily munching on the cake, Mew suddenly had a bright idea. He baked six mini cakes, and it was plenty for both of them, so he decided to utilize it wisely. A smirk formed in his lips, and Gulf just innocently stared back at him and smiled.

When Gulf was not looking, Mew took a handful of icing in his hand.

"Nong, i love you na?" Before Gulf could say anything, Mew smashed the chocolate icing on Gulf's face, earning a glare.

"PHI!" Gulf also took the icing from one of the cakes using his palm, and on cue, Mew ran for his life.

After some minutes of chasing, Mew sat on the floor while catching his breath, and Gulf sat beside him. If they weren't laughing hysterically, they would not be easily gasping for air. Both of their faces were covered with chocolate, as well as their hairs and shirts.

To add fuel to the fire, Gulf scooted closer to Mew and sat on his lap while looking innocently. Mew just gulped at the seducing sight in front of him as he tried to restrain himself and his growing bulge.

"Your face is dirty Phi. Let me clean it up for you na~" Gulf gently licked Mew's chocolate covered face, also leaving a trail of kisses in its wake. Mew stifled a moan, and it took every ounce of his self restraint not to do Gulf right now.

Gulf's lips found its way into Mew's neck, sucking it gently, leaving a small yet noticeable mark. Mew grabbed Gulf's waist and pulled him closer, and he felt his lovers plump ass above his growing manhood. In short, he was horny as hell.

"When did you get so naughty huh?"

"I don't get what you mean Phi~" Gulf feigned his innocence as heat went up his face due to embarrassment. He did not know why he did it, be he was satisfied.

It was Mew's turn to take revenge in his young lover. His hands entered Gulf's shirt, and he can feel Gulf's silky skin underneath his warm palms. He licked the chocolate just below Gulf's chin, and slowly kissing Gulf's neck, looking for the sensitive spot. He did all of this while slowly prodding his clothed member Gulf's ass.

Gulf's brain almost short circuited due to the intense over stimulation that his lover was giving him. He was really turned on, and his member got excited in the process. He knows that sex is good, but he did not know that it was this good, and they haven't gone all the way yet. Gulf rocked his hips in tune with Mew's thrust, and he can't help himself but claim Mew's mouth as they kissed torridly.

Mew's tongue entered Gulf's mouth, and Gulf tried to fight for dominance, even though he knows that he cannot win. They broke the kiss to catch their breaths, and Mew almost cummed at the erotic sight of Gulf. With Gulf's cheek tainted pink, a little saliva hanging on the sides of his mouth due to their intense make out session, his eyes that screamed desire, it made Mew want to do more. His warm hands found its way into Gulf's nipples, and Gulf couldn't help but moan just by a mere touch.

Mew played with Gulf's nipples, and was satisfied at the reaction that his lover was giving him. He almost (A/N: keyword: almost) felt guilty since he felt like tainting Gulf's innocence, but Gulf is not even stopping him. He removed Gulf's shirt, then immediately licked his perked up buds. If the room is not sound proofed, Gulf's moan would have already been heard from the apartment next door.

He gently bit and sucked it, like it was his favorite candy. Indeed, it had became his favorite candy when he tasted it. He was about to unbuckle Gulf's pants, when a knock is heard from his door.

They immediately stopped whatever they are doing and quickly arranged their disheveled hair and clothes. Mew felt disappointed since they can't continue their leisurely activity, but then went to greet his unknown visitor.

"Are you expecting someone Phi?"

"No. It must be my brothers."

Gulf's heart rate went up when he heard it from Mew. He ran into the kitchen and watched his face in the sink. Although he wanted to continue what they did, he calmed himself and think of some positive affirmations. He wanted Mew's family to like him, and would do everything he can just to receive their approval.

When Mew opened the door, he immediately want to close it. It was the person he did not want to see, the person who rejected and humiliated him and the person who threw him out of his house.

"What are you doing here?"

"Come on son. Is that the right way to greet your mom?"

A/N: Sorry for the late update! I was not really in the mood to write these past few days and I was even contemplating to discontinue it... The internet is really slow here even though it says "LTE" , it still says "upload failed." 🥺 I hope you like this chapter, let me know in the comments hehe. Stay safe guys~

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