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   Dean sits behind the wheel, off on the side of a dead road. He had been sitting there for a good hour, listening to his cassette tapes and staring at the open sky. The sun would be setting in a few hours, and if he remained here, he would get a perfect view of it. It's not like anyone would miss him for a day, they could just take a break before advancing. Dean rolls down the window and smiles softly as a light breeze drifts into his baby. He takes in a deep breathe, enjoying the quality of the outskirt air. He runs a hand through his hair, noticing its length. It was a little longer then he usually liked it, he would have to cut it soon. His eyes land on his wrist as he lowers it, the beautiful black writing standing out against his skin. The name seems out of place with his style, but sometimes that's just how it is. Soul marks are the font of your soulmates handwriting, and since Castiel was an angel, his writing was neat and proper, though the cursive was a little feminine. Dean smiles at the name, almost accepting its presence, but his smile turns to a frown and he whips his arm down, pulling his sleeve over it. Castiel didn't mean anything to him, he was just a dickhead angel that he had to deal with for a little longer. Dean sighs and drops his head. He just needs to convince himself that he doesn't need anyone, even if Sammy goes off with Gabriel, Dean would be fine on his own. 

   A noise to his left startles him, something almost like scratching. Dean rushes to grab the gun from the passenger seat, but before he can, his door flies open and he is pulled from the car. He groans in pain as his back falls onto the gravel road. He immediately looks to find what pulled him, and a fuzzy looking silhouette is crawling closer to his face.

   "Dean Winchester, I know you've found your soulmate, and that really pisses me off." Says a male voice, but none Dean can ever recall hearing before. The thing that just spoke grips his collar and pulls his face close to its. "If I can't have a soulmate no one can!" The thing yells before smashing his head against Deans, causing the Winchester to be disoriented. Dean does his best to retaliate, curling his fingers into a fist and punching the thing as hard as he can. The sudden hit causes the figure to release Dean, instead clutching the side of his face. Dean scrambles to his feet and puts distance between him and the person. He can see now, it just looks like a normal person. A male with dark hair stares at Dean, his eyes burning with hatred. The man sends a punch Deans way, but the blonde does his best to dodge it, throwing himself to the side. He collides with Baby and a sharp pain shoots through his side. 

   "Who the fuck are you and what the fuck do you want?" Dean shouts, avoiding another fist thrown his way. He ducks under the mans arm, and shoves a fist into his abdomen. The man grunts and jumps back, holding his stomach. He is panting from getting so worked up, and Dean notices a detail about the man, his teeth. As the man continues to pant, his sharp teeth are easily noticeable. The two teeth beside his front two on both sides are razor sharp, and his bottom teeth mirror it. Dean hadn't seen teeth like this before, but he imagined it to be a type of vampire. Wasn't he saying something about a soulmate? Vampires don't have soul marks, but they do mate for life, so wasn't it mostly the same?

   "No one deserves a soulmate if I don't get one too!" The brunette shouts, jumping at Dean. The thing digs its teeth into the forearm Dean had raised to guard his face. Dean grinds his teeth together, grimacing at the pain that seers through his arm. The thing throws a successful punch to Deans temple, causing the Winchester to lose consciousness. 

   Castiel feels his wrist sting, not the usual ache but an actual pain his feel in his own essence. Something was wrong. Castiel had felt this before. When Sam and Dean went on hunts, Castiel sometimes watched, having nothing better to do, and whenever Dean got seriously hurt or came close to dying, a horrible pain appeared amongst his wrist. Castiel tries to pinpoint Deans location, but for some reason, the angel couldn't get a clear view on the Winchesters whereabouts. 

   "Where are you Dean.." The angel whispers before he teleports as close to Dean as possible. Castiel wasn't sure why he was acting this way. Why did he care so much about this humans life? Dean was just another person that was going to die at some point anyway, why was Cass so adamant on keeping him alive? 

  A pained shout rings through Castiels ears and he pops right into the building it comes from. The spot he ends up in is a dark area behind some fallen wood beams. In the lit part of the space, a tall man is standing with a knife in his hands, and suspended by his tied up wrists is Dean, his body covered in bruises. Something snaps in Castiel, and his emotionless face is replaced with one of worry. Deans eyes struggle to stay open, his body exhausted form the beatings. The man twitches and grips the knife harder. Dean raises his gaze to the mans face, causing the dark haired male to frown angrily. To Castiels surprise, the mans scowl fades and a grins paints his lips. The angel feels an unknown feeling take over him and he is ushered forward, but his actions are too late. The tall male plunges the knife into Deans stomach, and pulls it out after, causing the wound to gush out blood. Castiel slides his blade out of his sleeve, gripping it firmly and shoving into the things back, through to its heart. It lets out a strangled scream before choking on its own blood and dropping to the ground lifeless. Dean watches as the thing that attacked him drops dead, but he can feel his own blood running down his legs and pooling below him. Castiel doesn't come to at first, as if in a daze, but when the dark red colour catches his eyes, he is brought back to reality and rushes to Deans side. He places two fingers against the Winchesters forehead, attempting to heal him, but nothing happens. Dean lets his eyes close as Castiel teleports them back to Sam and Gabriel. 

   "Gabriel." Castiel says, panting as he supports the older Winchester with his right arm. Gabriel's head snaps in the directions of Castiels voice, and he takes a second to realize what he was seeing. Gabriel rushes to his brother's side, and Sam looks over to the commotion.

   "Dean?" Sam says, worry laced in his words. He is quick to get to his feet and rush to Deans side as well. "Cass what the hell happened?" Sam asks, staring at Castiel. 

   "There is no time to explain it to you, Gabriel is there anything you can do?" Castiel questions, turning his attention to his older brother. Gabriel nods, snapping his finger, and fixing up Dean, leaving only some bruises. Dean doesn't wake up, but his breathing steadies. Sam sighs in relief, Cass doing the same.

   "Cassie, something about you seems different." Gabriel mentions, it had been about an hour, the Winchesters were sleeping in the beds and the angels were sat on the couch. 

   "I don't know what happened, something about seeing Dean hurt, I couldn't handle it like before. I have seen his hurt before when I watched from heaven, but actually being there was different." Castiel explains, glancing to the bed where Dean was sleeping. This was never supposed to happen, everything moved so fast, everything changed so quickly. Castiel blinks slowly as he returned his gaze to his hands. Gabe gave his little brother a side glance, smirking slightly.

   "Maybe because your're soulmates? You should just accept it already and be with him." Gabe suggests, winking playfully. Castiel rolls his eyes, and focuses a moment on controlling his emotions and soon his usual plain face returns. 

   "Dean and I were never meant to actually work. It was just a mistake. I do not need a soulmate, I've gone billions of years without one, now is no different. Plus Dean even said himself he is not interested in a soulmate, so we agree on the situation." Castiel says, no feelings being displayed on his face. What the two angels are unaware of, is the Winchester lying awake on the bed farthest from them, listening to his soulmate say they would never work, feeling his heart break a little. 

~Uhm I'm very sorry if this sucks, I may or may not be high while writing this so if stuff doesnt make sense i gotta know so i can fix it,.~

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