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   Dean didn't get much sleep that night, lying awake replaying Castiels words in his head over and over. Of course he knew how he should feel, he was the one who said so in the first place, but instead he was upset, angry even. The Winchester never had hope for a soulmate, but when he met Castiel it sparked something in him, set a small fire. That tiny flame was out out with just a few words. Dean wondered why he thought the angel would stick around after. 

   The sun peered through the window, hitting his eyes and reminding of the time he had spent awake thinking of this. Dean sat up, raising a hand to his face and rubbing the bridge of his nose. He looked around the room, his brother asleep in the bed beside his, the angels gone. He had heard them leave around five in the morning. Dean swung his feet to the ground and stretched his arms above his head. Sam stirred, but didn't get up. 

   "Lucky you.." Dean said quietly. He stood up and made his way to the bathroom, taking a long look in the mirror when he reaches it. He looked more tired then usual. The male ran his fingers over the tattoo over his heart. He remembered when Sam and him had got them. The man that inked them was a little taken aback at first, but thought it was 'dope'. Dean was a total baby about it. He had whined the whole time. 

  The Winchester bent over the cold porcelain tub and turned the knob, water rushing from the metal faucet. He switched it to run to the shower head and backed up, letting the water adjust while he stripped. Dean slipped of the T-shirt he had previously been wearing, exposing his chest to the cool air of the bathroom. He undid the strings of the pajama pants he was wearing and let them fall to the ground, setting free his bottom half. Dean ran a hand under the shower and felt the water, finding it an okay temperature and stepped in. The water was hot but it didn't burn. It cascaded down his back, glazing over his muscle and scars until it rushed down his legs and swirled down the rusted drain.  The male relished in the feeling of the heat calming his muscles. He relaxed his body and ran his hands through his hair, which had gotten pretty long. He usually let Sam do it or found a barber nearby, but he had been too busy. He grabbed a shampoo bottle from the corner of the shower, squirting some onto his hands and massaging it into his scalp. Dean didn't rush, he wanted to enjoy his moment of peace. 

   After about twenty minutes, Dean exited the shower, water dripping from his hair to his face and down his neck. His slender fingers wrapped around the edge of a fluffy white towel and he pulled it towards himself, wiping his face before wrapping it around his waist. He turned to the fogged mirror and swiped a hand over it. The fog overtook the mirror again in seconds. As Dean watched the mirror fog up, his gaze was shifted to his wrist when a deep ache ran through it. He shot his head up and turned around, a certain angel standing too close fro his liking behind him. 

   "What the fuck Cass? Privacy." Dean said in a defensive tone as his cheeks grew dark. He was half naked with only a towel around his waist. The angel looked Dean up and down before taking a step backwards.

   "I apologize Dean, I have news." Castiel said simply, showing no reaction to the males almost nakedness. 

   "Can you wait till I have some fucking clothes on?" Dean shouted. Castiel nodded, popping himself out of the bathroom, probably out into the living area of the motel room. Dean let out a breathe and ran a hand through his damp hair. He pulled on a clean pair of jeans, and a fresh shirt, drying his hair with the towel before setting it up on a rack. He opened the door to the rest of the room and stepped out. Sam was eating pancakes in his bed, Gabriel seated on the edge. Castiel was standing sort of awkwardly a few feet from the two. "So, news?" Dean asked, walking over to the container of food someone had placed on his bed. He popped it open and smiled slightly, his favorite burger inside along with some fries, and a drank was on the nightstand.

   "Cassie picked up yours." Gabe said, seeing the happy reaction of the Winchesters face. Dean noticed and forced an indifferent look.

   "Thanks Cass." Dean said simply, making eye contact with the angel for a second before tearing his gaze away, though he could feel Cass hadn't stopped watching him. 

   "Right, well, we've pinpointed where this creature is going next and we set a trap, we just need you two to make sure it all goes as we wish it to." Castiel explained, finally ripping his gaze away from Dean. Gabriel nodded along with his brothers words.

   "We intend to kill it, but you need to get it away from its angel traps." Gabe added, glancing between Dean and Cass. "It knows how to protect itself from us so just get it to where it hasn't prepared and then we'll take care of the rest." He finished, returning his gaze to Sam who was eating happily, not exactly paying attention. 

   "When are we doing this?" Dean asked, taking a bite out of his burger.

   "Tonight." Castiel responded, watching Dean again. Dean just nodded and continued eating. The faster the better, maybe if Castiel left he would feel better and Dean could get on with his life as usual. 

   "Wonderful." Dean said, his voice monotone. He would be fine with Castiel being gone, he didn't need him in the first place. The sooner he was gone the sooner Dean could forget about him. 

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