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   Dean sat back in the seat of the impala, relaxing. Castiel was sitting awkwardly in the passengers seat, not exactly excited to face his brother and Sam.

   "So are you glad you got to see that?" Dean teases, earning a stern glare from Castiel.

   "How was I to know that is what they were doing?" Castiel asks, pinching the bridge of his nose. Dean lets out a hearty chuckle and turns the key, igniting the engine. The angel was definitely adorable in his own way.

   "It was a given, you didn't notice the 'Do Not Disturb' sign hanging on the handle?" Dean teases again, earning a glare from Cass. Dean just smirks playfully and changes gears, exiting the parking lot and heading back to the motel. When Dean pulls up in front of the line of rooms, Sam and Gabriel are standing some what awkwardly outside of their room. Castiel exits first, but not by regular means, the angel just teleports his way into his and Deans room. Dean wonders if the angel was embarrassed. That wasn't in his vocabulary of emotions though, just bored and serious. 

   "Dean, where'd Cass go?" Sam asks, walking towards his older brother as he exits the car. Dean pushes Baby's door closed and turns to Sam, noticing right away his little brothers flushed cheeks.

   "Would you want to face two people you just caught having sex half an hour later?" Dean points out, chuckling to himself. Sam clenches his jaw and looks to Gabe then the ground. "Castiel knows where the thing went, that's what we were going to talk about earlier. " Dean says, unlocking the door and opening it. He walks inside, widening the door for his brother and the other angel to follow. Castiel is sitting on the couch, perfect posture as always, avoiding looking at the two who entered. 

   "C'mon Cassy, can't ignore your big brother forever." Gabriel says, walking into Castiels field of view. Castiel makes eye contact with Gabriel before looking away, only seeing the memory of what he had seen previously. Castiel wondered what the point was, especially between two men. There was no reproduction, which was the reason for intercourse, so why do it if you cannot reach the end game?

   "I'm not ignoring you Gabriel." Castiel replies, standing up. "I have been told that the being that murdered the girls is the next town over. It seems to have targeted two girls that had just found their soulmates just last week. We must leave immediately so we can correct the issue and I can return to heaven." Castiel explains, looking at Dean when he finishes. Deans heart tugs slightly at the mention of Castiel leaving but he brushes it off. 

   "Yeah the sooner you fuck off, the better." Dean says, his attitude suddenly sour. His wrist ached when he turned his back to Castiel but he ignored it and walked out the door. "I'm going to get pie." Dean mumbles, slightly slamming the door on his way out. Gabe turns to face Castiel and gives him a disappointing look.

   "You seem eager to leave Cassy, don't you want to stay here, you know, with Dean?" The archangel asks, glancing to Sam who was a sort of sympathetic look on his face. Sam is aware that Dean is being cold to ignore the fact that he doesn't want the angel to leave. 

   "Why would I want to stay with Dean? I only came to follow orders, and once I have done so, I will return to heaven and wait for my next orders." Castiel says nonchalantly, though his chest feels slightly heavy. What was this feeling? He came here to follow orders, then return to heaven. He did not come to stay, his plan was always to leave when the being was killed and things returned to normal. He assumed the only reason he was becoming reluctant to leave was the words written on his vessels wrists. Before Castiel had taken over the mans vessel, the name was the name of the mans wife, but it morphed and changed when Castiel entered. Castiel dragged his eyes away from his vessels wrist, looking at Sam and Gabriel. "I am unsure how it would make a difference should I be here or not, Dean said himself the sooner I leave the better, and I agree." Castiel adds, and before either of the two males can say anything, Cass is gone from the room. 

~This update is not at the 1000 word minimum I usually strive for but I haven't updated in forever and that felt like a good place to end it.~

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