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Dean watched as the curvy waitress sauntered her way over to him and Sam.

"Can I take your order gentlemen?" The blonde offered, taking out her small notepad and a pen.

"I'll take a salad and a mixed greens smoothie." Sam answered, handing her the menu. He didn't bother looking at her, knowing that if he did he would be met with a face full of boobs.

"I'll take a burger and coffee, black and maybe for a dessert, a piece of your pie." Dean flirted, winking at the blonde as he hands back the menu. The blonde just rolled her eyes playfully and walks behind the counter, handing the cooks the order slip and grabbing the coffee. She made her way back to Dean, filling his cup before leaning down to whisper in his ear.

"I get off at ten, meet be back here if you wanna have fun." Her voice seemed bored, but Dean was willing to get what he could.

"Sounds good to me." Dean replied, watching as she walked away. Not too long later their food arrived and the two dug in, Sam occasionally stopping to type something on his laptop or jot down notes. "Got anything on that Alexander guy?" Dean questioned taking a large bite of his burger.

"I know where he lives, but that's about it, he isn't very public with his life." Sam answered, growing frustrated with the lack of information he was finding. He closed his laptop, slipping it in the bag beside him. He finished off his salad, pushing the bowl away from him.

   "Well let's head over then. The worst thing that could happen is the dude is the one murdering them." Dean said is a hushed tone, trying to avoid catching the attention of people around them. Sam just nodded in agreement, but Dean had already gotten up and was mostly out the door already. Sam pulled out his wallet, fishing a twenty from it and placing it on the table. As he starts to walk out, he felt his wrist ache. It was something that happened when your soulmate could see you, to make it a little easier to find them. Sam whipped his head around, not seeing anyone with their eyes on him, though his aching wrist felt ne relief. He looked to the back of the diner where a man sat reading a newspaper. The guy was wearing a hat with his head tilted down, so Sam couldn't see his face, but something about him felt familiar. Sam decided to shake it off, hesitantly ignoring the ache in his wrist and leaving the diner, joining Dean in the car.

"Thanks for finally deciding to join me." Dean said with an annoyed tone. Sam just rolled his eyes and looked out his window as Dean drove off. Trying to decide whether he made the right choice walking away like that. He was so close, but walked away from what could've been his one chance.

~time skip because I don't want to explain another talking scene.~

"Well that was a waste of fucking time." Dean shouted angrily, slamming the impala door. The conversation with Alexander was no help. The dude was sobbing the minute they mentioned Christine, it wasn't even fake sobbing, Dean would've noticed if it was just crocodile tears. There was no way he killed her.

"We still have three more girls to question Dean, it's not hopeless yet." Sam added, following his angry older brother into their room. All Sam had gathered from Alexander was that the other girls that had committed suicide also had already found their soulmates. It helped place a motive of sorts, but didn't open up any new suspects. They could speak to the other two soulmates, but they could come up empty handed again and just waste more time.

"Yeah? And if they give us nothing?" Dean snapped. He was frustrated, but it was more then just the case going sideways. Dean lowered himself onto the bed, and laid back, attempting to relax for a minute. "Please tell me you've at least got something."

"Well, all the girls who died had found their soulmates already. That's something." Sam replied, opening his laptop and gathering the addresses of the other three friends. Dean just let out a sigh.

"Why'd it have to be teenage girls man.. They got their whole lives ahead of em' and some one just ripped them away." Dean blurted out, sitting up again. He stood up with a small huff and made a bee-line for the fridge, grabbing a beer and gulping down the majority of it as soon as he popped off the cap.

"What's up with you lately? You've been drinking way more, and you barely talk to me unless it's about a case." Sam questioned, turning to look at Dean. Instead of telling the truth like he should have, Dean just shrugged. He refused to open up to his brother right now, he was exhausted and overwhelmed

"I'm perfectly fine Sammy." He lied, giving a side smile to his little brother before finishing off the beer in his hand. The truth was, Dean was trying to numb the constant aching pain in his wrist and trying to forget the feeling he got when he thought about the fact he might never meet his soulmate. Besides how could Dean explain that something that should only happen when your soulmate looks at you happens all the time, never ceasing. It happened all hours of the day, no matter where they went or what he did.

"Yeah sure." Sam said, giving up on his prying. He ripped the page with the three addresses off the notepad and stuck it in his pocket. "C'mon we should go question those girls." He said, standing up and moving to the door. As Dean got ready to follow, he noticed something in the corner of his eyes. He was quick to grab his gun and point it at whatever stood just out of his vision. Sam took notice Deans movements and did the same, his face twisting with confusion when he turned to face the person now in their room.

"Hiya boys." Said a cheery voice.

Dean glared at the thing stood in front of them, but lowered his gun knowing their visitor was no threat. "What the fuck are you doing here trickster?" Dean asked in a pissy voice. The trickster just shook his finger at Dean.

"I'm not here for you." The trickster admitted, turning his attention to Sam, who stood dumbfounded a few feet from Dean. Sam looked to Dean, who was looking at him with a confused look in his eyes.

"What do you want from me?" Sam questioned, regaining eye contact with the trickster, not noticing the painful aching in his wrist.

"I wanted to finally introduce myself! That's all. Here let me spell my name, oh wait you already have it written down!" The trickster started, walking over to Sam and grabbing his arm. "Right here!" He added, smirking and winking at the younger Winchester. Sam didn't say anything, he couldn't even think of something to say in response, but his jaw dropped open when his eyes found his own first and last name on the wrist of the man standing in front of him. The trickster, now introduced as Gabriel, held their wrists together and smiled, as if it was amusing for him.

"That's a load of 'bs'. Tricksters don't have soulmates, nothing supernatural does." Dean butted in, moving in front of Sam protectively.

"I never said I was a trickster, I just like pranks." Gabriel corrected, raising his hands like someone would if they were surrendering.

"If you're not a trickster, what are you?" Sam asked, moving around Dean, earning a sound of disapproval from his brother.

"You won't believe it! It's actually pretty cool." Gabriel started, sounding over enthusiastic. "I'm an angel." He admitted, adding jazz hands for effect.

"Yeah and I'm a monkeys grandma." Dean added sarcastically, but upon not receiving a reaction, Dean's face fell. "Wait you're serious?" He asked. The shorter man nodded, a smile on his face.

"Angels don't have last names." Gabe pointed out, shrugging. "Listen you can believe me or not, I'm just trying being honest here." He said, looking back at Sam whose eyes were trained on the floor.

"Well if you're an angel-" Sam started, getting cut off.

"Archangel to be precise." Gabe corrected, then gestures with his hands for Sam to continue.

"Okay.. If you're an 'archangel', and that's why I don't have a last name, then would that mean..." Sam's words were trailing off, as if he wasn't sure he wanted to finish asking his question, not because he didn't want to ask it, but because Dean wouldn't want to hear the answer.

"Deans soulmate is an angel."

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