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"My name is Castiel."

Dean froze, it felt like he couldn't breath. He looked at his wrist, Castiel written in a messy but still beautiful font. The room slowly closed in on him, suffocating him. He locked eyes with the male. Male. No that wasn't right. His soulmate wasn't a guy. No fucking way was his soulmate not only supposed to be an angel, but a dude? Dean closed his eyes, hoping it was just a bad dream, but when he opened them, Castiel remained where he stood. Dean was now fuming. Not that Castiel had done anything wrong, but he could've not watched him these past years, and now he could leave.

"Fuck off." Dean seethed, breaking the eye contact between the two and pushing past the angel. He didn't want to deal with this right now. In fact he didn't want to deal with it at all. "I don't need a fucking soulmate, and definitely not some fucking angel, just leave me the hell alone. And stop fucking watching me all the time, that shit hurts you know." Dean said, his anger boiling beneath his skin, he was about to seriously explode if the angel didn't get his ass out of his room. His ass... 'No, don't look at his fucking ass Dean you are not gay.'

"Dean, I'm not here to become some sort of romantic figure in your life, it's business." The angel replied, turning to face Dean. Dean just rolled his eyes in response, not exactly in the mood to do any sort of business with the angel in front of him.

"Listen here you angel asshole, get the fuck out of my room and stay away from me. Business or not, I don't want to hear it." Dean said through clenched teeth. His shoulder still hurt too, what the fuck kind of touch was that anyway, there was a hand print now burned into his shoulder, who the hell does that? Dean stood only a few inches from the angel, and though the height difference wasn't much, Dean was still taller, so he tried using it to look more intimidating.

"I didn't come here to deal with your insignificant human feelings." Castiel said in a monotone voice. Was everything this damn dude said going to sound like it came from a robot? He obviously wasn't going anywhere, so Dean sighed and moved his hand in a sort of 'continue' motion. "It's about the thing murdering these soulmates, it's disrupting how things should be going and you're not fixing the issue fast enough." Castiel explained, staring rather creepily at Dean. Dean just clenched his jaw and glared at the angel, trying to think of a way to respond. "I just came to kill it so that things can keep going the way heaven wants them too, that is all." The brunette finished, now watching Dean expectantly.

"Well go on and fucking fix the issue and leave me alone then asshole." Dean shot back, walking past the angel to the fridge. "Just tell your angel compadre to bring Sam back and you two can be on your way." Dean added, gripping the cold glass neck of the beer. He popped the top off with his knife and took a long swig, enjoying the taste.

"I have no control over Gabriel, he is an archangel, he mostly does as he wishes." Castiel said, following the Winchesters actions with his eyes.

"Oh that's just fucking great, you really are just a useless angel." Dean muttered.

"I'm more powerful then most angels you'll ever meet. I'm not like every other angel, I could kill you so easily, you should show me some respect." Castiel warned, showing no emotion on his features as he spoke. The damn guy looked like a statue. Dean just glared at the badly dressed guy, not understanding why he was here.

"If you're going to go solve our case go ahead, no ones stopping you. Saves us the work." Dean said, trying to finish the conversation. Castiel didn't move, doesn't even blink. "Dude I really don't know what you want from me."

"You're help. It's guarded itself from angels, I can't locate it myself." Castiel explained, seeming hesitant to do so. The seraph didn't like asking for help.

"Fine, I'll call Sam and see if his and his new chew-toy found anything." Dean stated, his annoyance clear on his face.

"Why does Sam have a chew-toy? You do not have a dog." Castiel asked, his eyebrow furrowing slightly.

"It's an expression..." Deans voice trailed off, not bothering to explain it. He pulled out his phone, dialing his brothers number.

"Dean? You alright?" Sams voice came through the phone in a rush, as if his little brother had been waiting.

"We kind of got a situation here, can you hurry your ass back to the room?" Dean asked, staring at Castiel as he looked at the floor. Sam agreed quickly, saying he'll be back soon. "You said you weren't like other angels. What is that bullshit supposed to mean?" Dean questioned, closing his flip phone and placing it on the table to the left.

"I'm a seraph angel." Castiel responded blandly, looking up and catching Deans eyes with his.

"Like purity and passion and shit? Those guys with like six wings?" Dean asked, a skeptical look written on his face.

"Yes. Though I do not have six wings. I have two." Castiel admitted, sounding sort of dejected. "But I do know angels with six wings." Cass added, back to his monotone voice.

"Talking about me Cassie?" Gabriel piped up as the two had teleported into the room. Castiel switched his eyes to the position of the shaken looking Winchester standing beside Gabriel. Sam swayed a little before finding Gabriel's shoulder to hold for support.

"Whose this?" Sam questioned, looking at Dean, who was chugging the rest of his beer. Dean just brought the bottle away from his lips, and sends Sam a death glare.

"This is my little brother, Castiel." Gabriel announced proudly, walking over and hugging Castiel from his side. The seraph looked extremely uncomfortable until Gabriel lets go. "So you were talking about wings? Mine are pretty cool." Gabriel commented, dragging out the letters in the word pretty.

"Mine are at least adequately larger than some other angels." Castiel interjected, rather frantically. Were they comparing wing sizes? Is that like two dudes comparing dick sizes?

"C'mon Cassie, I got three sets of em' and they're such a pretty golden colour. They're a beaut." Gabriel announced. Castiel just gave him the side eye and returned his focus to the reason he came here.

"So will you help me stop the being that is murdering these woman?" Castiel asked, his eyes staring a hole into Dean, who only looked to Sam for help. Knowing that having Castiel around would piss off Dean, and make it easier to pester him, Sam gave Castiel his answer.

"Sure, it will be fun to have Dean's soulmate around."

"Sam." Dean warned, narrowing his eyes at his baby brother.

"I don't want to think of Dean as my soulmate, it is not important to the assignment." Castiel assured, adding an almost offended look when he glanced to Dean and back to Sam. "Thank you Sam."

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